Justice League Snyder Cut concept art reveals the first look at Zack Snyder‘s John Stewart Green Lantern, who would have made his DC Extended Universe debut in the epilogue of Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Production and concept designer Jojo Aguilar, the Creative Director of Snyder collaborator Jay Oliva’s animation studio Lex + Otis, shared the concept art on Twitter, revealing fresh looks at the Apokoliptian Granny Goodness, the Martian Manhunter (Harry Lennix), and the Joker (Jared Leto). Stewart was to appear alongside the Martian Manhunter in the post-Knightmare sequence ending of the Snyder Cut, where the shape-shifting alien reveals himself to Batman (Ben Affleck).
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This was the best experience in my career working with @ZackSnyder . I’ve worked a long time and by far he was the most professional, most personable, and Coolest! and thanks @jayoliva1 for introducing me to him! #SnyderCut #RestoreTheSnyderVerse pic.twitter.com/Uil99i7liW
— jojo aguilar (@jojoaguilar33) April 2, 2021
Twitter users may have identified Snyder’s Green Lantern as stage actor Wayne T. Carr, who would have made his feature film debut when Zack Snyder’s Justice League premiered March 18 on HBO Max. Snyder previously revealed studio Warner Bros. vetoed Stewart’s involvement because of pre-existing plans for the character to appear opposite Hal Jordan in Green Lantern Corps.
“The studio had told me I wasn’t allowed to shoot anything. That there would be no film made of any kind. During production, that was a thing they insisted on. And I shot stuff anyway, of course, in my yard. And one of the things I shot was the Green Lantern scene,” Snyder recently told Esquire. “And then they asked me, when they saw the movie and saw that I put it in there, they’d take it out. And I said that I would quit if they tried to take it out. And I felt bad. The truth is I didn’t want the fans to not have a movie, just based on that one stand that I was going to take.”
Snyder added, “The Green Lantern was John Stewart. And that was part of it too. I was like, I don’t want to take a person of color out of this movie. I’m not going to do it. But I felt like having Harry Lennix’s Martian Manhunter at the end was, that was okay.”
Here he is with Ray Fisher pic.twitter.com/sgCKSOWfJj
— Walt (@UberKryptonian) April 2, 2021
After Snyder told Vanity Fair that the Martian Manhunter scene was a “compromise” with the studio, Lennix revealed his character was meant to appear alongside Stewart’s Green Lantern in what would have been his live-action debut.
“All along I knew that I was going to be in it. It was going to be Martian Manhunter and John Stewart,” Lennix said on the LightCast Podcast. “J’onn J’onzz and John Stewart, as it were, in the movie. But then they made him take out that part. So I did go in later, in like October, to do the scene with Ben Affleck. So I think that was the recipient, that is to say, the information that was conveyed in that scene, [Snyder] just had Martian Manhunter do it, which I thought was fun. He said something to the effect that he felt there was a good way to tie it up, the information that needs to be put out there is out there.”
Zack Snyder’s Justice League is now streaming on HBO Max.