If you haven’t seen Justice League, I mustache that you come back to this page after you’ve seen it. Spoilers to follow.
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Superman makes his heroic return in Justice League, with the man of steel resurrected by way of alien technology. As pointed out by fans, Superman doesn’t look quite right — the result of a digital shave made necessary by Henry Cavill‘s commitment to Paramount’s Mission: Impossible 6, where his super-spy character sports a bitchin’ mustache.
When Cavill had to return to the set of Justice League for necessary reshoots, he was prohibited by Paramount from shaving the mustache — leaving Warner Bros. no choice but to remove it in post-production with a combination of makeup and CGI.
“It’s nothing to cover it up,” as Cavill explains it. “What we do is we try to put it back on the top lip as much as possible. So they kind of wax it up. And then I had dots all over my face. And they try to put dots, which are barely visible, sort of in the various points on the face where you would see them during normal… not face replacement, but whatever CGI aspect they may be applying to a face. And yeah. I was covered in dots, and had a big mustache. It was definitely a new look for Superman.”
As told by Mission: Impossible 6 director Christopher McQuarrie, Cavill’s action-heavy role in the Tom Cruise-starrer is the reason why Paramount simply couldn’t have Cavill don a faux mustache for his remaining time on the production. “The only way to keep a fake ‘stache on Henry Cavill,” McQuarrie wrote on Twitter, “would be a liberal dose of staples.”
Cavill’s mustache proved to be an inconvenience for the Justice League filmmakers, who likely did the best they could to remove Superman‘s ‘stache. Now that Justice League is in theaters, fans are taking to the internet to talk about it:
Seth Rogen can’t believe how it looks, and he might not have even been high at the time
This is fucking real?!
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 17, 2017
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 17, 2017
“Marvel did it better”
Reminder that Marvel did this in 2015. #superman #mustache #cgi pic.twitter.com/Z77juPIj7Z
— Alex Fitz (@DavidTenn_Ant) November 17, 2017
‘Stache shade
Life comes at you fast. pic.twitter.com/EnEibYMhhR
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 17, 2017
Amazing work fixing Superman’s mustache, guys. pic.twitter.com/ccKXKtXeof
— John W. Smith (@JohnWSmith) November 17, 2017
The opening scene of Superman in Justice League is the most horribly distracting CG with that fucking mustache I have ever seen in a big budget movie. It’s insane. I literally can’t believe it.
— Evan Ragnarok (@EVComedy) November 17, 2017
From a Batman News commenter… ?
— Batman-News.com (@BatmanNewsCom) November 17, 2017
How to remove a Superman mustache the WB way:
1. Open Photoshop.
2. Click the clone stamp tool.
3. Brush off the stache for about 2 minutes by cloning other parts of the face
4. Do it frame by frame.
And you’re done. pic.twitter.com/TJmI3yJuzm
Darkseid wearing Superman’s missing mustache and…
— Jason Latour (@jasonlatour) November 18, 2017
Wait for it.
Waaaait for it.
Superman with his mustache CGId away looks like me entering 90% of customer interactions: pic.twitter.com/YdvsvBnTaF
— Ho Ho Ho Merry Kevin (@TVsKevinLanigan) November 18, 2017
I’ll wait for the #JusticeLeague special edition where Henry Cavill’s mustache is restored and everyone else, including the women, get one too.
— Johnny B. (@JohnBalash) November 17, 2017
Instead of removing Henry Cavill’s mustache in #JusticeLeague, they should have spent that money to give every other character a mustache. Commissioner Gordon gets two.
— Dan Casey (@DanCasey) November 17, 2017
So you’re telling me fake mustache technology is SO bad that Henry Cavill couldn’t have used one in MI6!? pic.twitter.com/cK90cLWhHB
— Darth Hound (@Darth_Hound) November 17, 2017
I for one do not agree with WB’s decision to replace Henry Cavill’s mustache with Christopher Plummer pic.twitter.com/YnVY8T5ueB
— Plymouth Ock (@FanSince09) November 17, 2017
They really needed more time/money for the CGI/VFX in this movie or either a script that didn’t require as much. The environment in the third act didn’t look good, and the removal of Henry Cavill’s mustache took me out of the movie. They had #Superman looking like Annoying Orange pic.twitter.com/iii72riNxk
— Melvin Brown (@OnScreenHeroics) November 17, 2017
Superman came back to life only for the internet to kill him again
I have to say, WB looks to have done a great job digitally removing Henry Cavill’s mustache in Justice League pic.twitter.com/4A9LY4Y2I2
— Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how lo (@bdrisch) November 17, 2017
No idea what the hell you guys are bitching about the CGI erasing Henry Cavill’s mustache was seamless. pic.twitter.com/sEdPQf91lE
— Peter Rugg (@petermrugg) November 17, 2017
Find someone who looks at you the way Henry Cavill looks with his mustache CGI’d out pic.twitter.com/2sR8VstKPB
— Zach Heltzel (@zachheltzel) November 17, 2017
I knew when the opening scene w/ flashback footage of Superman reminded me of this, #JusticeLeague prob wouldn’t impress effects wise. All that $$ for Henry Cavill’s mustache down the drain. pic.twitter.com/LjStJ4LtD2
— Lisa Hiser (@lisa_hiser) November 17, 2017
Oh I see they hired Conan’s team to remove Cavill’s mustache using the best computer technologies pic.twitter.com/XrHd4g86Kg
— ben burbank (@bburbank) November 17, 2017
So, post-production Justice League tried to remove Henry Cavill’s mustache with CGI and he looks like fucking Human Shrek pic.twitter.com/IkpyRLxpUG
— Homo With A Shotgun (@_nadsat) November 17, 2017
Justice League, starring Ben Affleck, a digitally clean shaven Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, Ray Fisher and Amy Adams, is now playing.
Justice League2017

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