It’s been 20 years and, somehow, fetch still hasn’t happened. That changes this month when Mean Girls finally makes its way to 4K Ultra HD. On Wednesday, Paramount Home Entertainment announced that Tina Fey’s beloved comedy will be getting its very first 4K release on April 30th. That same day, the recently release Mean Girls musical film will also be released on 4K Ultra HD and standard Blu-ray.
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The 20th anniversary 4K Ultra HD release of Mean Girls comes in a hot pink case, made to look like the iconic Burn Book from the film. The release also includes a digital copy of Mean Girls and a brand new featurette called “Mean Girls: Class of ’04.” You can check out the artwork for the release below!
The Class of ’04 featurette is the only new special feature on the anniversary release, but the disc does include a ton of bonus content from previous editions. Here’s the full list of special features available on the Mean Girls 4K Ultra HD release:
- Mean Girls: Class of ’04-Tina Fey and cast from the new movie look back at the original film and discuss why it became a cult classic. NEW!
- Commentary by director Mark Waters, screenwriter and actress Tina Fey, and producer Lorne Michaels
- Only the Strong Survive
- The Politics of Girl World
- Plastic Fashion
- Word Vomit (Blooper Reel)
- So Fetch – Deleted Scenes with optional commentary by director Mark Waters and screenwriter and actress Tina Fey
- Interstitials
- Theatrical Trailer
Additionally, the new Mean Girls movie will also make its physical home debut on April 30th, alongside its predecessor. Here’s the full lineup of special features included in both the 4K and Blu-ray editions of Mean Girls (2024):
- A New Age of Mean Girl– Tina Fey, the cast, and crew discuss a new take on the Mean Girls story and how the drama at North Shore high would unfold in the age of social media.
- Song and Dance– A behind-the-scenes look of what it took to bring the big musical numbers of Mean Girls (2024) to life. We hear from the directors, the choreographer, and the cast about how they prepped and reimagined the classic film with musical elements.
- The New Plastics– The new cast dives into their memories of watching the original film, their favorite moments/lines, what character they identified with, and what it meant to be cast in the musical.
- Gag Reel– Some of the best moments happen behind the scenes!
- Not My Fault – Music Video with Reneé Rapp and Megan Thee Stallion
- Extended Scene – I’m Having a Small Get Together at My House
- Mean Girls Sing-Along with Select Songs