Raya and the Last Dragon is an upcoming film from Disney Animation Studios that’s set to star Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’s Kelly Marie Tran in the titular role. The movie is expected to be released next month in both theatres and on Disney+, and Disney fans can’t wait to see Tran voice the studios’ first movie inspired by Southeast Asia. Recently, the movie’s directors, Carlos Lรณpez Estrada and Don Hall, spoke with Empire Magazine about the film and revealed it was originally more violent. In fact, they joked that it would have been rated R.
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The interview is in Empire Magazine‘s latest print issue, but @getFandom shared some info from the chat on Twitter. “There is a cut of the movie with broken bones and stuff,” the directors revealed. We’re not surprised to hear Disney cut out the more graphic aspects of the film, which is rated PG. While the movie may not feature any gore, fans of Disney can still expect some excitement.
“As filmmakers, [directors] Don [Hall] and Carlos [Lรณpez Estrada] bring a combination of animation know-how and emotional storytelling to Raya and the Last Dragon, bringing our fantasy adventure to surprising, original, and dynamic heights,” Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Chief Creative Officer Jennifer Lee previously explained to Entertainment Weekly. “They both saw the potential for this film and had a strong vision for the story, especially for our lead character, played by the wonderfully talented Kelly Marie Tran. And no small feat, directors Don and Carlos, writers Qui [Nguyen] and Adele [Lim], and the entire crew of 400 Disney Animation artists are making this film together, while separated and working from home.”
Tran previously told EW that her character won’t follow the traditional Disney Princess model.
“She is someone who is technically a princess but I think that what’s really cool about this project, about this character, specifically is that everyone’s trying to flip the narrative on what it means to be a princess,” Tran explained. “Raya is totally a warrior. When she was a kid, she was excited to get her sword. And she grows up to be a really badass, gritty warrior and can really take care of herself.”
Are you excited for Raya and the Last Dragon? Tell us in the comments!
Raya and the Last Dragon arrives in theaters and on Disney+ on March 12th.