
Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Trends As Fans Debate Art Style

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie – (L-R) Leonardo (voiced by Ben Schwartz), Raphael (voiced by Omar Benson Miller), Michelangelo (voiced by Brandon Mychal Smith), and Donatello (voiced by Josh Brener). Cr: Netflix © 2022

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie has people debating its art style again. From the moment the first images of the series circulated on social media, there were fans with a lot to say about how this creative team captured the turtles. Some had a lot of praise for the ways the character designs distinctly communicated the difference in each of the brothers. Others felt that things drifted too far towards stylization. However you feel, this iteration of TMNT stands apart from anything that came beforehand. Netflix is banking that fans from either side of this debate will sit down to watch the movie. Who knows? Maybe someone will grow more of an appreciation for Rise. Check out some of the posts down below.

Videos by spoke to executive producer Ant Ward about Rise and the movie’s approach to speaking to fans young and old. The creative team is aware that both are paying attention.

“Yeah, and watching these characters grow in unexpected ways,” Ward explained. “And then, with the movie, you kind of have to maybe see what comes down the line. But it’s going to be a bit of both, you know? I think, if you’re watching the show and you’re a fan of the show, you’re going to get a really complete experience with the movie. But it’s also going to be a really exciting stand-alone set piece if you’re not directly familiar with the show.”

What do you think of the Rise designs? Let us know down in the comments!

This is pretty cool

Look at this squad

Judge for yourself

Look at these fights

A tour of history

Interesting background

Going to be great

Really fun