Walt Disney Animation Studios recently celebrated its 100th anniversary. The studio marked this milestone in various ways ranging from the short film Once Upon a Studio to the new animated feature, Wish. ComicBook.com recently had the chance to chat with Wish producers Peter Del Vecho and Juan Pablo Reyes Lancaster Jones as well as directors Chris Buck and Fawn Veerasunthorn. They all shared how they celebrated the company’s big birthday and talked about Disney’s history. For fun, we asked the creatives which animated Disney characters they’d most want to hang out with, and they all gave some good answers.
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“Well, I mean, I feel like I’m a broken record because I always talk about them. But the three good fairies from Sleeping Beauty. I also want to have tea and coffee with them because that’s what they do. And I also want to steal their wand and make it yellow,” Lancaster Jones shared.
“Look, only because I spent many years of my life, I’d like to sit down with Anna and Elsa,” Del Vecho shared.
Frozen ended up being a popular answer, with Veerasunthorn saying, “I think I’ll hang out with Olaf … Yeah, he’s funny. He’s positive. He likes summer. I love snow cones. There are many things we can do, having fun with each other.”
Buck, who co-directed Frozen and Frozen II, had some different ideas.
“I’m not going to say Olaf because I hung out with Olaf for about eight years, so I’m good. I’m trying to think of who would be like just… oh, just some of them would be so quirky.”
After some more thought, he finally landed on his answer. “Baloo. I used it earlier, but he’s also a great character to hang out. I mean, that’s what he does. The first time you meet him, he’s hanging.”
“It seems like someone you can take a nap on,” Veerasunthorn added.
“Float down the river. Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me?” Buck replied.
You can check out the interviews at the top of the page.
Will Jennifer Lee Co-Direct Frozen III?
ComicBook.com also spoke to Disney’s Chief Creative Officer and co-director of Frozen and Frozen II, Jennifer Lee, about Wish. During the interview, we asked if directing was still on the table considering her current role at Disney.
“Well, I definitely know that I want to go back to filmmaking at some point,” Lee explained. “I’m getting older, but I’m not old yet. Depends on who you ask. The Frozens were the only two I got to do, and I never really got to do a film from scratch. Wish is the closest thing to that, because Wreck-It Ralph, I was brought; on Frozen, I was brought on; Zootopia, I was brought on. So that is a hunger for me, and at some point, I definitely will go back. Right now, I’m having so much fun with the new generation. I do get to be a part of every film. I do get to be a part of Frozen. It all feels great. But yeah, it’s there. I think I’ll know the right moment.”
“The only thing I can say is Bob has announced there’s more Frozen. And I’ll say what we are working on, I am very, very, very excited about. That’s all I can say,” Lee teased when talking to ComicBook.com in another interview back in September.
Wish is now playing in theaters. Which Disney character would you want to hang out with? Tell us in the comments!