So now, it’s confirmed. Somebody is going to die this season on Arrow. We just don’t know who.
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In a scene taking place near a grave, Oliver Queen and Barry Allen briefly discuss their losses and Oliver asks to be excused…and that’s all we’ve got so far.
It’s obvious that it’s somebody who’s closer to Oliver than to Barry. So…who could be in that grave?
So…they keeps saying that the whole mission statement of Arrow is getting Ollie to be the Green Arrow we know from the comics, right?
You hear that a lot.
He’s building to that, he’s evolving to that, he’s maturing to that, etc.
This season, he takes a big step in that direction, from everything we’ve heard. He’s Green Arrow now. He’s got the mask, the identity, a more positive and inspirational vibe.
So I hear Lyla tell Diggle, “If Oliver Queen always made the right choice, he wouldn’t need you.”
And remember…Diggle was created for the TV show.
The Arrowverse isn’t kind to father figures, and Quentin Lance has really been through the wringer in the last few years.
In fact, things seem to just get worse and worse for him, with little let up. So…would they really kill him off?
It seems like a very strong possibility. Getting involved directly with Damien Darhk seems foolhardy, and we don’t yet know enough about Damien to know whether he’s the type to tie off loose ends when they’re no longer of use to him.
This one seems pretty obvious, right? This is what happens when you want to be the mayor of Star(ling) City.
Mama Smoak seems like a good candidate for a character in serious trouble. Again, parents aren’t necessarily treated well in the world of Arrow and while I think it’s borderline impossible they’d do something to Felicity, we COULD see the happy Olicity status quo threatened should harm come to her mother.
Anytime you can look at a character death and say “There’s a good story to come out of that,” the character could be in trouble.
She’s taking on a superhero identity and a mantle that’s been handed off in the comics more times than just about anybody but Robin.
Last year, Olvier’s whole goal was about keeping Thea — the tiny shred of family he had left and his tie to his humanity — alive. Now that he’s been significantly humanized, though, does that make her more vulnerable from a storytelling point of view?
Laurel Lance has undergone arguably the most dramatic changes of any character since the start of Season One, and now her dad has a relationsihp with the bad guys.
Putting an exclamation point on her career as Canary and her character arc could be an interesting way to go, especially if it had implications for Lance later on, or for Legends of Tomorrow.
I have a feeling this is what they WANT you to think, but not something that will actually happen.
With both Barry and Oliver graveside, Felicity makes the most sense — but there’s nothing I’ve seen from this writing staff yet that suggests they have any interest in parting with the character soon.