Avatar Sequels To Begin Filming in 2014

Actress Zoe Saldana, speaking on the Jonathan Ross Show in promotion of Star Trek Into Darkness, [...]

zoe saldana

Actress Zoe Saldana, speaking on the Jonathan Ross Show in promotion of Star Trek Into Darkness, revealed that the planned sequels to James Cameron's box office phenomenon Avatar will begin filming in 2014, and will shoot back to back. "I think that they're doing a part two and a part three and they're probably going to shoot it at the same time," she is quoted as saying. "If we just do two and then wait, I'll probably be 45 or 50 by the time we get to part three. It takes a long time, it's a very hard process." That timetable should eliminate Saldana from consideration for another massively popular science fiction franchise over which there had been some recent speculation: Star Wars. With Star Trek helmer J.J. Abrams in the director's chair for 2015's Star Wars Episode VII, some fans had speculated whether some of his Federation friends would be headed off to battle the Empire, but if Saldana is filming a movie on the scale of Avatar at the same time as Star Wars is being shot, and doing so with the intention of the film being released around the same time as Star Wars, it seems virtually impossible they could wrangle an appearance.