Batman's Scott Snyder Returns to Image For Wytches

Scott Snyder, currently known as one of the best-selling writers in comics and widely perceived as [...]


Scott Snyder, currently known as one of the best-selling writers in comics and widely perceived as the breakout star of DC Comics's two-year-old New 52 publishing initiative, will return to his horror roots with Wytches from Image Comics. (Not that he's ever strayed too far; American Vampire is still a going concern, after all.) Superstar artist Jock, with whom Snyder collaborated on Detective Comics just before the DC reboot, will be drawing the series which explores the world of witches.


"I think our goal is to just scare the living shit out of you with this book," Snyder told fans at the Image Expo in San Francisco today. "I want this book to be the blackest, most twisted horror that I've ever done. I want it to be the book I feel terrible about at my kids' soccer game. I want this book to be like, you read it and say, 'They let this guy write Superman?'" Snyder told fans that the series will reveal actual witches are "much darker" than what mythology has led people to believe.

"I love those sort of imaginings," he said. "I enjoy a lot interpretations that look at the more exotic and romantic aspects of these monsters, but I'm endlessly fascinated by what makes them enduringly terrifying."

Snyder and Jock join Grant Morrison, Chris Burnham and Kyle Higgins--all recent transplants from DC Comics's Batman family who announced new titles at Image Comics today during Image Expo.

"It's great to finally have Scott Snyder back at Image," said Image Comics Publisher Eric Stephenson. "We loved working with Scott on Severed, and he has only gotten better since then, so it's really wonderful that he's teaming up with Jock on what is without a doubt one of the creepiest books we have ever published."