writer Fred Van Lente and veteran artist Tom Grummett will team up for Captain America: Homecoming, a new comic book one-shot set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe which sees Captain America and Black Widow, in the days before Captain America: The Winter Soldier takes place, returning to Brooklyn.”In this story, Steve Rogers takes Natasha to the Brooklyn neighborhood where he grew up,” Van Lente told Newsarama of the story, which takes place between Marvel’s The Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. “A lot has changed there since Steve was a kid in the 1930s, but the walk down memory lane is interrupted when a terrorist strike happens while they’re there. The question of whether it happens because they were there or not is a question readers will have to wait until they read the issue to find out.”The writer also wrote a tie-in for Captain America: The First Avenger, in which the script told him exactly what part of Brooklyn Cap hailed from. That will give Tom Grummett something to work with in establishing a real-world feel for the art. Meanwhile, they’ll face off against terrorists who have never appeared before in Marvel Comics or films, although Van Lente won’t rule out the possibility of the group popping up again.Asked about the prospect of an ongoing comic book series set in the world of the Marvel movies (not unlike what DC Entertainment did with Arrow during the show’s first season), Van Lente is less than optimistic.”You know, that was something I proposed many years ago and was told it wouldn’t be feasible,” he explained. “I sort of feel like Marvel wants to keep all the possibilities for the Marvel Cinematic Universe contained for potential movie and television development, and wants to give comics creators all the freedom to do what we do in the comics universe.”You can check out some preview pages for the one-shot at left and below.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier Gets a Comic Book Prequel
Archer & Armstrong writer Fred Van Lente and veteran artist Tom Grummett will team up for Captain […]