The days of summer are slowly waning, soon we’ll break out sweaters and jackets, and pumpkins, hopefully not of the bomb variety, will pop up everywhere.That doesn’t mean we have to slow down our reading of comics, especially THIS week!!Marvel brings the long-awaited, much-ballyhooed, debut of the new Spider-Woman solo series is HERE!!Spider-Woman #1 arrives, courtesy of power team Bendis and Maleev.What will await Jessica Drew as she makes her way in a savage new world?Dark Reign: The List takes aim at the X-Men this week, and also look for the one-shot Dark Reign: Made Men, which will focus on the lesser villains of Marvel and how Osborn’s world has affected them.Amazing Spider-Man #606 brings old flame/nemesis/ally The Black Cat back into Spidey’s life, and look for Ms. Marvel #45 as the battle between the original and current Ms. Marvel reaches its climax!Marvel also brings us Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1, promising a battle for the ages as Wolverine squares off against the Hulk Gang, and plenty of blood and vengeance are promised!The powerless New Avengers continue to find a way to regroup in this week’s New Avengers #57 , and if you want more action and demolition, look no farther than Incredible Hulk #602, where, guess who, the Juggernaut makes an appearance!
Comic Book Previews for the Week of September 23rd, 2009
The days of summer are slowly waning, soon we’ll break out sweaters and jackets, and pumpkins, […]