Universal Pictures is shifting lanes for Fast and Furious 10, with the next installment in the Fast & Furious film franchise arriving a month after its scheduled release. According to Variety, instead of crossing the finish line on April 7, 2023, Fast and Furious 10 will now drop on May 19, 2023. This is set to be the second-to-last Fast & Furious movie, bringing Vin Diesel’s turbo-charged car action spectacle to an explosive end. After being delayed by the pandemic, F9 was one of the more impressive hits at the box office this year, grossing $726 million worldwide. F9 director Justin Lin is once again returning to helm Fast and Furious 10.
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The long-running franchise is still a hit with audiences, as Fast & Furious has successfully managed to pivot from films focusing on street racing to globetrotting, save-the-earth adventures. Aside from upping the stakes, Fast & Furious has found a way to introduce new characters while old favorites depart. Many will point to the inclusion of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in 2011’s Fast Five as the turning point for the franchise. Johnson would go on to star in three more movies — Fast & Furious 6, Furious 7, and The Fate of the Furious — before a feud with Vin Diesel caused him to decline any more appearances. Instead, Johnson and Jason Statham spun out their characters in 2019’s Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw. John Cena was also added to the expansive cast, playing the role of Dom’s brother Jakob.
ComicBook.com spoke to Diesel ahead of the F9 release, with the actor confirming Fast and Furious 10 and 11 will film back-to-back. “It is back-to-back. The target release date is 02/23 for the first one and 02/24 for the second one. We were supposed to release this movie last year, prior to the pandemic. So I guess what’s different about this release is that we’re a year into development and pre-production on Fast 10. And so I’m doing these interviews and it’s bizarre because I have to go back to Fast 9. I’m celebrating the release of Fast 9, but I have so much more to celebrate,” Diesel shared.
Tyrese (Roman) and Sung Kang (Han) also chimed in, teasing what they know about the next two films.
“I think the ideas that I’ve heard thus far is that we’re going to be touching a lot of continents. And I am campaigning for South Africa to be one of these countries that we go to,” Tyrese teased. “Justin keeps a lot of stuff close to his chest, especially with the actors until it’s necessary. I don’t even know if they figured it out yet,” Kang added.
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