Guardians Of The Galaxy Nesting Dolls Announced By PPW Toys

The Guardians of the Galaxy are already tight-knit group, but they’re about to take it to the [...]


The Guardians of the Galaxy are already tight-knit group, but they're about to take it to the next level.

From PPW Toys come these special Guardians of the Galaxy Nesting Dolls. Because, why not?

With Drax, Star-Lord, Gamora, and Rocket Raccoon safely nestled inside Groot, the largest nesting doll, this set re-defines the term, "We are Groot." The perfect place to hide your Infinity Stones from preying eyes, this set will hit specialty shops starting in June. And for the affordable cost of $17, you could probably even sell them off to The Collector for an even higher return. He did always want a Groot, after all.
