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Heroes Reborn Hawkeye
Avengers Marvel Super-HeroesThe Brute
Marvel PremiereCaptain Americat
Marvel Tails Starring Peter Porker the Spectacular Spider-Ham Wild Thing
What If?Man, Alex Ross knows how to get esoteric. This is apparently a version of Storm that Kitty Pride made up as part of a story she was telling to a young Illyana Rasputin in 1982’s UncannyX-Men issue 153.
Uncanny X-MenNighthawk
Supreme PowerMachine Man
Machine ManMatt Murdock, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
What If?Blue Ben Grimm
What If?Earth X Colossus
Earth XLyra, She-Hulk of Earth-8009
Hulk: Raging ThunderIrving Nebbish
Crazy Crazy’s Mad MagazineReed Richards as Starbrand
Fantastic FourWhatever This Thing Is Supposed to Be
Another possibility — perhaps more likely, based on his costume — is that he’s an alternate Spider-Man from a world where he is the size of a spider.
Anyway, we certainly hope you’ve enjoyed this little romp through the Marvel Multiverse. It’s certainly a beautiful cover, isn’t it? And just chock full of neat stuff. It’s always a blast rummaging through Marvel’s cluttered past and finding some of its weirder bits and pieces.
Special thanks to everyone who helped me with researching these characters. Thanks to Richard Bensam, Jeremy Seifert, Jeremiah Burns, J.P. Harvey, Nick McBride, Richard Rohlin, Justin Butcher, Steven Schend, Brian Houdashelt, Tem Martz, Scott Arthur, Dan Ramirez, Leonardo Bazan, Franklin Morrison, E Rod212, Michaek McMullan, Eric Hope, Cam Banks, and Keith J. Davies.