Iron Man 3 And Guardians Of The Galaxy: James Gunn Denied Rumors Three Months Ago

Back in November of last year, reported on the possibility of Iron Man appearing in [...]

Iron Man in Guardians of the Galaxy movie

Back in November of last year, reported on the possibility of Iron Man appearing in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. We also pointed out, "By all accounts, we've heard from the Iron Man 3 set, Tony Stark gets put through the ringer in Iron Man 3, so maybe by the end of the movie, he's thinking a little time away from Earth would do him good." After we published our article, Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn posted that almost all the news about Guardians of the Galaxy was false. While Gunn never stated exactly what he was denying, the story along with Gunn's denial was picked up by a couple other sites like MTV and When images started to circulate around the Internet of Iron Man in a Deep Space Suit, we ran a second story noting, "Well, our own theory is that Iron Man 3 is going to have an after the credits scene involving Guardians of the Galaxy. Iron Man recently became a part of the Guardians of the Galaxy team in the comics, so it wouldn't be surprising if he served as some sort of bridge to introducing the Guardians of the Galaxy into the Marvel Cinematic Universe." Earlier today, Entertainment weekly ran an interview quoting Robert Downey Jr. as saying, "But we can't help it — everywhere you look now in every Marvel movie there are opportunities where certain new pals of his could be useful. So they're in the atmosphere, so to speak, but I wouldn't expect to see them on the ground in this one." We pointed out, "Could Avengers in the atmosphere be a cryptic clue for Guardians of the Galaxy?" Just a couple hours ago, Latino-Review reported, "According to sources, at the end of Iron Man 3, Tony actually does go up into space to hook up with the Guardians of The Galaxy where I also hear he appears at the end of that movie as well." Interesting, while we had heard there would be a connection between Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy, the part about it occurring at the end of the movie or after the credits with Iron Man going into space was our own theory. So if Iron Man does leave to join the Guardians of the Galaxy at the end of Iron Man 3 were we right all along or did James Gunn pull a Michael Bay and take an idea from the Internet?