J.J. Abrams Rumored To Direct Star Wars Episode IX

Star Wars: Episode VII is still months away from release, but Lucasfilm and Disney are already [...]


Star Wars: Episode VII is still months away from release, but Lucasfilm and Disney are already searching for the trilogy's final installment, Episode IX.

And surprisingly, Disney may be going back to square one—er, rather, square 7. Rumors are indicating that the studio may want J.J. Abrams back in the directors chair after they hand the reins to Rian Johnson for Star Wars: Episode VII. Even though The Force Awakens director isn't currently attached to Episodes VII or IX and is verbally committed to other films, Disney's interest may pull him back into the Galaxy Far Far Away.

As Latino Review reports, Disney is extremely pleased with what Abrams has turned in for The Force Awakens, and could want more of the director is giving. Apparently, Disney has held several internal conversations about Episode IX, and Abrams' name keeps coming up. Though there are also rumors that Abrams and Disney are having creative disagreements, perhaps Abarams' vision is finally winning them over.

Star Wars Episode IX is expected to hit theaters in 2019.