
Klingon Group Raises Money for Hospice

Recently we ran into Leila McMichael (her Klingon name is Captain Keela Sutai-Septaric) at […]

Recently we ran into Leila McMichael (her Klingon name is Captain Keela Sutai-Septaric) at HeroesCon, where she was decked out in full Klingon gear for a good cause.

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How did you get your Klingon name?

I chose the Klingon name because it was close to my Klingon name and I joined the House of Septaric so that became my last name.

As a Captain, you’re pretty high up the pecking order. Where did you start?

Started out as a Lance Corporal with no uniform and rose up through the ranks.

Why are you exhibiting at HeroesCon?

We (Klingon Assault Group) are raising money for Palliative Care Center and Hospice of Catawba Valley. The Center takes care of people that have chronic and terminal illnesses. The workers at the Center are literally Human Angels.

How many events does your group have in a given year?

This particular event (HeroesCon) is the largest event we do in the State of North Carolina for our group. The Star Trek Independent Fleet also does several other hospice fundraisers for smaller hospices local to our area (Hickory, NC).

How many years have you been coming to HeroesCon?

This is our seventh year.

Do you see a lot of the same people every year?

There are people that come and say ‘We see you every year here!’ and throw money in. We get a lot of new people. They know we’re here for a good cause and they know we’re a legitimate fundraising group.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Thank very much you Shelton Drum (HeroesCon founder) for allowing us to come in and do this fundraiser every year. It is a big help because hospice takes care of people that cannot pay for their care.

If you’re interested in donating to Palliative Care Center and Hospice of Catawba Valley, here is their website: