Most Power Rangers fans have their favorite opening theme songs, which have changed over the years almost as much as the Rangers themselves.
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Of course, music is rather subjective, but so is everything else, so why not rank it right?
So that’s what decided to do. Now, a few on here are a bit…similar in style or sound, but there’s something that stands out about it to set it apart. Over the course of 24 seasons, Saban has certainly experimented at times. While some of those didn’t land (which is a whole other list to come), most did, and accrued their own fans over time.
So to get things started, it’s time to head back to the year 2000.
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
Saban tends to really like 80’s light rock, and Lightspeed Rescue is a perfect example of that. The riffs aren’t exactly hard, but just edgy enough to get nodding along. The song starts off with a nice intro, and the tune keeps things moving with decent lyrics.
As with most Ranger anthems, there is a chant woven into the theme, and this one just happens to be pretty catchy. “Power Rangers LIGHTSPEED RESCUE” will get stuck in your head, which you can thank me for later. It all ends in a big finale complete with siren, but somehow it works.
The official description for Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue is located below.
After 5000 years of imprisonment, the demon armies of Diabolico threaten to destroy the human race, prompting a secret government agency called Lightspeed Rescue to recruit a team of heroes to protect the world as the newest Power Rangers.
Hit the next slide for some a trip to 1996.
In Space
From the opening countdown Power Rangers In Space embraces its namesake. With the spaced out delivery of the lyrics to the throwback eighties vibe of the melody, it screams cosmic adventure.
The chant of “Power Rangers, Power Rangers” is interlaced with random “Go, Go, Go” and “Fly”, all building up to a big finale of the title “In Space!”.
A perfect compliment to a series that is well regarded by fans.
The official description for Power Rangers In Space is located below.
In a bleak near future, the Venjix Computer Network and its robot armies have almost completely conquered the world. In the dome-shielded city of Corinth, a group of heroes equipped with high tech Racing Performance Machines fight a desperate battle for survival as the Power Rangers RPM.
Next, it’s time to embrace your inner animal!

Wild Force
It helps to get started with a hard hitting intro, and that is certainly the case for Power Rangers Wild Force.
It follows that up with a catchyย but softer section with the title included and then brings that harder intro riff back for another go. Heavy drums also help to bring the high energy, and that reverbย heavy “Wild Force” does actually work here as well.
Wild Force’s intro is heavier on the music too, going heavy on lyrics in the beginning but allowing the theme itself to shine with less towards the end.ย
The official Power Rangers Wild Force description is located below.
As the Earth’s environment weakens from modern pollution, a long forgotten evil known as Master Org reawakens to destroy Mother Nature. The mythical Wild Zords – mammoth animals of yesteryear thought to be extinct – choose a team of brave youths to defend the Earth as the Power Rangers Wild Force.

Mystic Force
For Power Rangers Mystic Force, the powers at be decided to do something different, and overall it seems like they succeeded.
The intro starts off with a melodyย not unlike something seen in R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps, complete with crows squawking inย the background. It then dips into a ridiculously catchy “Here come the Power Rangers”, which it brings back to great effect later on.
The meat of the song isn’t bad either, but that “Here come the Power Rangers” will get stuck in your head for the rest of the week.
You’re welcome.
The official Power Rangers Mystic Force description is located below.
Legend says when the Darkness arises, five brave teen Sorcerers will be called to fight for the planet’s survival. With guidance from their wise mentor and the ancient Xenotome, Book of the Unknown, they will embark on magical adventures, befriend mystical dragons, battle dangerous beasts, encounter pure evil, and transform into the Power Rangers Mystic Force.

Dino Thunder
Dino Thunder’s intro feels very nineties, but not in a bad way.
It works with the overall feel of the series. That ‘Protectors of the right. Defenders sworn to fight!’ line flows right into some drum hits, with a catchy “Power Rangers Roar!” to sink it into your head for days on end.ย
The song continues with that general chorus, alternating the phrases but keeping the same catchy tune in place. Overall it’s really hard not to sing along with this, and thus deserves a place on this list.ย
The official Power Rangers Dino Thunder description is located below.
When the wicked Mesogog attempts to revert the Earth back to a prehistoric age of dinosaurs, legendary veteran Ranger Tommy Oliver returns to action. Recruiting a soccer prodigy, a computer expert, and a fledgling musician to harness their own powers derived from dinosaurs, they must unite as the Power Rangers Dino Thunder to protect the Earth.

What happens when you give the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers theme an electric guitar heavyย remix? Power Rangers Samurai is what happens.
The love it or hate it series has a killer intro and would be higher on this list if it wasn’t so derivative of the original. You might think that would exile it from this list altogether, like say Mighty Morphinย Alien Rangers. Well, it turns out the writer of this list really digs heavy electric guitar licks and the original theme, so it’s not!
Seriously though, this is a nice modern update to the beloved classic, hence why it is on the list.ย
The official Power Rangers Samurai description is located below.
A new generation of Power Rangers must master the ancient Symbols of Samurai Power which give them control over the elements of Fire, Water, Sky, Forest, and Earth. Under the guidance of their all-knowing mentor and the aid of their devoted animal Zords, they battle the dark forces of the Netherworld and a mysterious Warrior bent on destruction.

Time Force
Saban really nailed the chant here, delivering one of the most addictive songs inย the Power Rangers canon.
Why do you ask? Well, all you have to say is “Time Force, Time Force, Power Rangers Time Force!” over and over again to a great beat and you’ve got an instant classic.
The general melody of the song doesn’t hurt either, but it could be compared to upbeat elevator music. You need that though to get the most out of the hard hitting chant, and as a complete package, it works immensely well.
Seriously, listen to that and say we’re lying. Go on, we’ll wait.
(Taps foot and hums softly) “Time Force, Time Force, Power Rangers Time Force”.
The official Power Rangers Time Force description is located below.
Fugitive mutants from the distant future escape to the present to unleash a wave of crime against a helpless world but the futuristic police force known as the Power Rangers Time Force travel across time to save the past, present, and future.

Dino Charge
It’s hard not to love dinosaurs, especially when they come with fantasticย intros like Power Rangers Dino Charge.
The intro’sย good, but the almost tribal beat that emerges later is even better. It segues into something lighter, but for some reason, it still works as a nice contrast. Just when you think it might get old, the “Go Go Power Rangers” hits, but it’s an updated take, transitioningย into a slick finale that incorporates that tribal theme once again.
In short, it’s awesome.
The official Power Rangers Dino Chargeย description is located below.
On prehistoric Earth, an alien entrusted powerful Energems to 10 dinosaurs, but when the dinosaurs went extinct, the Energems were lost. Now an intergalactic bounty hunter is determined to reclaim the Energems and destroy our planet. A new team of Power Rangers must find the lost Energems and use their Dino Chargers to power up an arsenal of dino-fueled battle gear, Zords and Megazords to save the world. Will the Power Rangers be able to save our planet?

Power Rangers Zeo
After the Mighty Morphinย Alien Rangers, it was time for a big change. Thankfully, Zeoย delivers an eighties pop vibe that is beloved to this day.
Going from the killer introย that is like mashing Journey with Power Rangers, theย song introduces an electric rift with the falsetto “Go Zeo” chants surfacingย alongside it.ย
Simple but effective lyrics complete the package, which works in the Mighty Morphinย Power Rangers riff more towards the end, ending with the Logo and a slick guitar solo.ย
The official description for Power Rangers Zeo is located below.
Tommy, Billy, Adam, Rocky, Kat and Tanya are turned back to their teenage forms thanks to the Zeo Crystal. The Command Center is gone but the crystal leads them to the new Power Chamber and all but Billy take on new Zeo powers.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Yeah, you probably figured this was coming, but knowing it ahead of time doesn’t make it any less true.
There’s a reason Mighty Morphinย Power Rangers continues to enhanceย imaginationsย all these years later, and at least one aspect of it is that catchy intro. That melody is insanely addictive, and you can’t help but bop your head to it.
Coupled with the now iconic “Go Go Power Rangers!” chants along the way and you have yourself a modern classic that will be forever represented on ringtonesย for years to come.
You can view the official Mighty Morphinย Power Rangers description below.
After 10,000 years of imprisonment, the evil sorceress Rita Repulsa and her loyal minions are freed when astronauts on a routine mission in space accidentally open her dumpster prison on the Moon. Filled with rage, Rita decides to conquer the nearest planet: Earth. But her archnemesis, the heroic sage Zordon, has been patiently waiting in preparation for this day. With the assistance of his wisecracking robotic sidekick Alpha 5, Zordon recruits a team of five teenagers with attitude (Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Billy and Trini) to receive superpowers beyond their wildest dreams so they can defend the Earth as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Aided by giant robotic vehicles modeled after dinosaurs called Zords, the Power Rangers fight back against the evil alien hordes of Rita Repulsa. The start of the Power Rangers phenomenon!