There are few teams that combine bright colors and immense power quite like the Power Rangers, but if they had a true rival, it would be DC’s Lantern Corps.
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Power Rangers fans are well acquainted with the multicolored costumes of every Ranger team, followed by the even zanier designs of their multiple Zords and vehicles. The Lantern Corps have a leg up in this area, as their designs emanate from their imaginations and power rings, meaning Guy Gardner can just create his own Dragonzord out of thin air.
The Green Lantern Corps is by far the most well known Lantern Corps, but in recent years the Corps has expanded from just a select few to nine total, covering a wide swath of the emotional spectrum.
Those nine include the Green Lantern Corps, which utilizes the power of will, followed by the Sinestro Corps, which harnesses the power of fear. The Red Lanterns uses the power of rage, while the Blue Lanterns hold the power of hope. The Indigo Lanterns utilize the power of compassion, while the Orange Lantern hugs close the power of greed. Rounding out the standard group is the Pink Lanterns, which use the power of love.
There are two additional ones that are more recent. The first is the Black Lanterns, which wield the power of death, while the White Lantern Corps use the power of rebirth.
Anyone who’s watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers knows there are plenty of characters who fit those molds quite nicely, and with their recent team-up with the Justice League, a true Green Lantern Corps team-up might just be possible.
That leaves us with the fun part, so let’s make ourselves a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Lantern Corps!
Red Lantern Corps: Lord Zedd

The most well known Red Lantern is the wrathful Atrocitus, and if he had a best friend it would be Lord Zedd.
Zeddย didn’t debut untilย Season Two of Mighty Morphin, but he quickly became one of the most popular villains in the franchise’s long history. He’s got the whole, “that’s his skin right?” thing going, and he’s already adopted the Corps colors.
He even has his own minion that can fly in Goldar, though, unlike Dexย Starr, he can’t vomit blood from his mouth. Well, he probably could, but when Dexย Starr does it, people go, “Oh that’s just Dexย Starr.” When Goldarย does it, he needs to go to the hospital.
Zedd’s constant need to take over the universe was made for the Rage Corps, and he would be welcomed with open arms.
Yellow Lantern Corps: Finster

OK, you might not think this is the best fit, but here’s the pitch.
This will be easier to understandย if you’ve read the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comics, but we’ll hold off on that for the moment and just look at the show. Finster is a sort of adorable little gnome that likes to sculpt, which is very un-frightening.
Once you think about it though, Finsterย crafts hundreds of monsters all day every day for the sole purpose of terrorizing people on Earth. He combines all sorts of vicious creatures and everyday items into nightmare fodder for the sole purpose of killingย fiveย teenagers.
Kind of disturbingย right? In the comics, he’s even worse, infectingย hundreds of people with genes that will turn them into a monster at any time unbeknownstย to them.
The Sinestro Corps was made for someone like Finster, someone who uses fears and anxiousness to his benefit when creating his latest creature.
Black Lantern Corps: Lokar

You need someone sufficientlyย creepy and rather off-puttingย to wear a Black Lantern ring, and few rank higher than the floating disembodied head Lokar.
Come to think of it, Power Rangers does love floating heads. Hmmm, interesting.
In any case, Lokarย is a mystical beingย from another dimension that helps Rita land her most impressive punch on the Rangers sinceย the Green Ranger. Lokarย is quite powerful, and he took the might of the Ultrazord to defeat. Thing is, that couldn’t even take him out, and he managed to escape.
He is actually referredย to as the Great Satan in the Super Sentai original, though his actions there skewed even darker. While the Black Lantern rings generally reanimate someone from the dead, a powerful being like Lokarย could probably manage to wield it.
Orange Lantern Corps: Pudgy Pig

Few beings are as beloved for all the wrong reasons as Larfleeze, the one-and-onlyย holder of the Orange Lantern Battery. There’s only one creature who’s lust for power is as great as his though, and that’s Pudgy Pig.
OK, so substitute power for food and that makes sense, but to be fair,ย Pudgyย would probably just find Larfleeze and eat him and his Power Battery, and if not, a healthy dose of honey mustard would probably convince him.
Larfleezeย holds the Orange Light of Avarice alone, but leads an army of those who have fallen to him and his followers. Pudgyย Pig eats everything in his path, and it was eventually his undoing. Seems like a match made in somewhere thatย is not heaven.
Green Lantern Corps: Jason Scott

The easiest choice for this would have been Tommy, being that he is the Green Ranger and this is a spot in the Green Lantern Corps.
That said, easiest isn’t always the best fit, and no one contains the sheer willpower of Jason Scott. The original Red Ranger isn’t perfect, and he’s had to grow and mature in his role as leader over the years. Despite those flaws, he constantly showed the power to overcome them, and that’s what being a Green Lantern is all about.
When you’re outnumbered and outmanned, you have to rely on your determination and grit to survive, and Jason has that in spades. Give him a Power Ring and get ready to watch him soar.
White Lantern Corps: Tommy Oliver

You knew his name would pop up eventually,ย but you might be surprised for which Corps. There’s a good reason though, so bear with us.
The White Lantern Corps is one that represents life and rebirth, proving to be the catalyst in several returns from the dead. If there is a Power Ranger who representsย rebirth, it would easily be Tommy Oliver, and that makes him the perfect candidate for a ring.
Tommy has always returned when duty called, and he’s done it in several forms and with a myriad of teams over the years. First a Green Ranger, then a While Ranger, followed by Red, Black, and then Green once more, he epitomizes what the White Lantern Corps is all about.
Plus, he’s already got the threads to fit right in, and you know Saba’s going to be a hit at Guy Gardner’s next party.
Pink Lantern Corps: Kimberly Hart

The Star Sapphires of the Pink Lantern Corps look at love as a powerful force, and it isn’t a stretch to think thatย Kimberly Hart would agree.
Kimberly is one of the most positive and endearing members of the Rangers, despite her popular girl status. She genuinely cares about her teammates, but love does make quite an impression on her when Tommy comes around. What if she decided to wield that power with a Power Ring?
They would certainly make quite the pair.
The mission of the Star Sapphires is to preach the message of love as well as protect it throughout the galaxy, which started with the Zamarons. After some issues with using the Star Sapphire directly, they forged it into a Power Battery and Power Rings like the Green Lanterns. They tend to have a love/hate relationship with the Green Lantern Corps, but who could have an issue with one led by the Pink Ranger?
Yeah, didn’t think so.
Blue Lantern Corps: Zordon

The Blue Lantern Corps specialize in spreading hope throughout the galaxy, and few are better at that than Zordon.
Now, to be fair, Zordonย also tends to spread hope after warning people about impending doom, which he literally does every day. Still, it’s hard to argue his effectiveness at rallying the troops when things are going south, coaxing the best of the team in the direst of circumstances.
Like the Blue Lanterns, he is also strongest when around others with a similar vision. The Hope Corps has immense power when near a Green Lantern, and Zordonย has to assemble a team ofย five to help him carry out his mission. Lots of similaritiesย there, and to boot he’s even already blue, so no need to change up his fashion sense.
Plus the good side of the spectrum needs another disembodied head to take on Lokarย anyway, so it really is a win-win.
Indigo Lantern Corps: Trini Kwan

One of the more mysterious Lantern Corps is the Indigo Tribe, and they might make a great home forย Trini Kwan.
The Indigo Tribe wields the light of compassion, but the members of the Corps operate a bit differently from other Corps. The warriors of the Indigo Tribe have a mission to spread goodwill, and can also channel other emotional spectrums through their staffs.
Like the Star Sapphires, someone can be purified by the Indigo Tribe, and they’ve done this to several people over the years, including Sinestro. This imbues the person with their power despite their previous beliefs or behaviors.
While she wasn’t in a leadership role on the team, Triniย was looked at as the glue that kept the team together, especially when the chips were down. She was one of the team’s most skilled fighters as well and didn’t hesitate to put others before herself. She cared greatly for her teammates and would be an amazing ambassador to the galaxy in spreading the gift of justice, goodwill, and compassion.