The Rangers are attempting to find a way to rescue the Green Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105, though that is only going to get more complicated thanks to the appearance of Alpha 1, and then there’s still the looming threat of Lord Zedd to deal with…if he ever wakes up. It wasn’t just about the Mighty Morphin team though in BOOM! Studios’ newest preview of issue #105, as we also got a tease of a potential new couple that most probably didn’t see coming. We are talking about Zack and Trini, and while it’s a joke from Zack that kicks off an awkward conversation, it continues to be even more awkward after, and it remains to be seen if anything ever comes of it. You can check out the preview starting on the next slide.
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Zack and Trini didn’t expect to become the primary guardians of a young child named Journey, and though the time they had with Journey was cut short due to their accelerated aging, that time had a profound effect on them. In the preview, they are discussing their time as guardians of Journey, and that leads to a moment that clearly alludes to some unexpected feelings.
Zack says he meant one particular line about Trini saying yes to being asked on a date in high school as a joke, and Trini then reveals to him that she briefly dated Jason and things got complicated. They are interrupted before the conversation can completely resolve though, and it does feel like a few additional things probably need to be said before the chapter on this potential relationship can be completely closed.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 is written by Melissa Flores (Power Rangers, The Dead Lucky), drawn by Simona Di Gianfelice (Firefly), colored by Raรบl Angulo (Mighty Morphin), and lettered by Ed Dukeshire. The issue also features a main cover by artist Taurin Clarke (Miles Morales: Spider-Man) and variant covers by Bon Bernardo (Mighty Morphin) and Paulina Ganucheau (Wonder Woman). You can find the official description of the issue below.
“New players are added to the board as the Power Rangers continue their frantic search for their missing Green Ranger. Meanwhile, the Omega Rangers have encountered perils of their own… is help from one of the Power Rangers’ most twisted enemies the advantage they need, or are they being led into a trap?”
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 hits comic stores on February 15th.
What do you think Power Rangers fans? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things Power Rangers with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!
On The Mend

A Very Bad Alpha

Could Get Complicated

Not That Bad A Catch, Right?

New Yellow Ranger

Variant Cover By Bon Bernardo

Variant Cover By Paulina Ganucheau

Main Cover By Taurin Clarke