Shattered Grid is set to feature a myriad of classic Rangers, but it seems the Rangers will also get a brand new ally before the story concludes.
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BOOM! Studios released a new description for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #29 as part of our exclusive cover reveal, and as you can see in the description below, it teases a new ally for the Rangers.
“In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #29, from writer Kyle Higgins and artist Daniele Di Nicuolo, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and their allies prepare their final counterattack against Lord Drakkon. A new ally to the Power Rangers makes it through to their world and Zordon makes a last call for help.”

Now, that last line is important, as it says “makes it through to their world”. Last we checked in with the Rangers they were trying to power the Green Chaos Crystal so they could send a message to the Coinless, the resistance army that is trying to dethrone Lord Drakkon over in his universe. Drakkon took back his Crystal, but that doesn’t rule out one of the Coinless getting a hold of one in their universe and making the jump over to ours right?
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A new ally is interesting enough, but could that also mean another new Ranger? When we asked Power Rangers writer Kyle Higgins if Shattered Grid would introduce any other new Rangers, his answer left things very open.
“I would say you should read Shattered Grid,” Higgins said.
So, will this new ally end up being another new Ranger? Only time will tell, but we are definitely excited about the possibilities. We already have Lord Drakkon (an evil version of Tommy) and the Ranger Slayer, who is an evil Pink Ranger. Who knows, maybe we’ll get a new type of Blue Ranger mix, as that is the only coin Drakkon never got a hold of over in his universe.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #29 is written by Kyle Higgins and drawn by Daniele Di Nicuolo with a cover by Jamal Campbell.
Print copies of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #29 and Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #11 will be available for sale in July 2018 at local comic book shops (use to find the one nearest you) or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers like comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and the BOOM! Studios app.