Power Rangers

Power Rangers Beast Morphers: Episode 10 Thrills and Drills Review and Fan Reactions

Power Rangers Beast Morphers returned with a brand new episode this morning titled Thrills and […]

Power Rangers Beast Morphers returned with a brand new episode this morning titled Thrills and Drills, and we definitely have some thoughts on the episode. That said, we know Power Rangers fans have been sharing their reactions about the episode on social media as well, so we’ve also rounded up some of the best reactions to the new episode for your perusing pleasure. Before we get to those though it’s time for my two cents, and to say I am pleased to have the Beast Morphers crew back on my television screen every Saturday morning is an understatement, and this episode only continued that momentum.

One of Beast Morphers‘ most crucial elements is its ability to move the overarching story forward in at least a small way while also giving fans a mix of humor, action, and lessons. You might get more out of one of those than the other two, mind you, but the show is doing a lovely job of working in a message for a younger audience while delivering stylish action and genuinely delightful humor, and as we’ve seen in previous seasons that’s not exactly an easy task to execute.

Videos by ComicBook.com

If this episode has a downside, it’s Drilltron, the monster of the week. Drilltron isn’t an isolated case either, as the creatures used in this series just aren’t that memorable, and purely act as cannon fodder for the Rangers. That said, Beast Morphers does a great job of getting what it can out of the creatures and minimizing their use to only absolutely necessary plot points, relying on Scrozzle, Roxy, or Blaze to carry the villains’ side of things, and they are more than up to the task.

One of the most pleasant surprises here was Steel, who had me laughing out loud several times throughout the episode. His literal translation of questions and sarcasm allows numerous opportunities for humor, and it’s almost like the Power Rangers now have their own version of Drax on the squad, something I didn’t expect but also couldn’t be more thrilled about.

Roxy, Zoey, Ravi, Ben, and Betty all had some standout moments as well (including Roxy’s on-point response of “No one cares” to Steel), all the while setting up bigger things for Scrozzle’s plan of extracting the Ranger’s abilities. Sure it isn’t some monumental movement of the plot, but even an incremental step forward is exactly that, a step forward, and keeps it from being a meaningless filler episode, something fans have complained a lot about in past seasons.

Alright, that’s my two cents, but hit the next slide to check out what other Ranger fans had to say!

No One Cares

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

One of the best moments was Roxy cutting off Steel and the rest of the Rangers giving their take on the battle with an emphatic and dismissive “No one cares”. So good!

“Steel: *typical battle banter*

Roxy: *speaking for the audience* “No one cares!”

Perfect Filler

This was mostly just a fun and entertaining episode, but it did feature just enough of a step forward in the overall plot, making it a perfect example of how to do a filler episode the right way.

“I didn’t watch episode 10 live this morning, but I watched it later on. And all I want to say is, this is how you do a filler episode. The A Plot set up the story arc for the next few episodes & the B Plot remained subtle in the background. A really good episode!! #BeastMorphers”

You Beautiful Idiot

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Another one of my favorite moments was Steel delivering a baffling response to Nate’sย fear, and it looks like I’m not alone in loving that particular moment.

“Nate: “I won’t really panic unless I see something with 8 legs.”

Steel: “Don’t you worry, brother. There’s no octopuses here.”

Steel, you beautiful idiotโ€ฆ

#PowerRangers #BeastMorphers”

A Very Good Point

One thing that did puzzle me was the fact that everyone in the gym doesn’t react at all to the fact that these teens are talking to a full-on robot, and then suddenlyย head off when they all talk to their wrist communicators. Yeah, kinda obvious something’s up right?

“These suits just looks so amazing! ? I continue to love Steel and his humor but I guess the people at Riptide Gym just except these “normal” teens training with a full on robot…excuse me..HALF robot half human training with them ?
#PowerRangers #BeastMorphers”

Cute Filler

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

The episode also showed a bit more of Ravi’sย personality thanks to him encountering his fear, and Nateย only helped bring that out even more.

“#PowerRangers #BeastMorphers Episode 10 Mini Review: Really Cute Filler Episode! I love when the stoic one gets to show that he’s afraid of something. Pairing him with Nate was also a great way to reference something that was established in a previous episode.”

Giving Up

Not everyone is sold on Beast Morphers, and some fans have decided to part ways with the show.

“I gave up on Beast Morphers. It’s a whole lot of nothing. Sadly.”

Year Of The Evil Rabbit

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

This episode featured several shining moments for Roxy, and fans are definitely noticing.

“i LOVE how roxy continues to be the most competent member of this team!!!!ย  fellas move over this is the year of the evil rabbit!!!! #powerrangers #beastmorphers”

Favorite Episode

The episode received some high praise here, comparing it to a previous season of Power Rangers.

“That was my favorite episode of #BeastMorphers yet! I absolutely love these characters so much. That was the most cinematic episode of Power Rangers as a whole since the finale of Samurai.”

The Lesson

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Power Rangers always works a lesson into its plot for younger fans, though that doesn’t mean older fans can’t get something out of it as well.

“Another great episode. Great lesson for everyone (not just kids).

#PowerRangers #BeastMorphers”


We really got to see the divide between Blaze and Roxy in this episode, and fans are intrigued to see what it leads to in future episodes.

“I love the competition aspect of Roxxy and Blaze’s relationship. It’ll definitely make these next few episodes interesting. #PowerRangers #BeastMorphers”