Power Rangers

‘Power Rangers Beast Morphers’ Episode 2 Evox’s Revenge Review and Reactions

The Hasbro era continues and we’ve definitely got some thoughts on the second episode of Power […]

The Hasbro era continues and we’ve definitely got some thoughts on the second episode of Power Rangers Beast Morphers, as well as reactions from the fans.

Spoilers incoming for Power Rangers Beast Morphers, so if you haven’t seen the episode yet you’ve been warned.

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Today’s episode of Beast Morphers thankfully continues the momentum from the first episode, though a few chinks in the armor do present themselves before the credits roll. Many of the positive elements from the first episode do get expanded on though, like Zoey’s charm, Ben and Betty’s hijinks, Devon’s enthusiasm, and Ravi’s interactions with Commander Shaw.

It would be easy to discount Devon’s enthusiasm as over the top, but to me, it always feels genuine, and it brings some of the awe and wonder back to the series. He’s enthralled with all these cool toys, which makes him staying out of the competition for the leader spot believable.

Seeing un-morphed fights was also welcome, and the fighting looked crisp and clean, eliminating some of the more overboard wirework from the premiere. Thing is though the monster was a complete no-show. Sure he was there, but he was gone just as quickly as he came. This is a bit of a double edged sword though, as while it relegates the monster to cannon fodder it does also create the illusion of an extremely strong and powerful hero.

If this were wrestling, this would be a squash match. That’s perfectly fine if it’s a one-off, but hopefully, it doesn’t turn into a regular occurrence. We do want to see the Rangers challenged somewhat after all.

The episode truly shines though once the Rangers meet their Beast Bots, who are a joy to watch. Each one has a unique personality and feel, and honestly, we wanted them in every scene. #SmashForLife if you weren’t clear on that by now. The Zord reveal was pretty spectacular as well, and it was surprising to be so engaged with that final Megazord fight sequence, something I’ve always struggled with in the past. The show utilized all of the Zords’ various abilities and modes incredibly well, keeping up a solid pace and making the action look stylish at the same time.

One thing that did not shine here, however, was the dialogue. While the premiere walked a lovely line between cheesy and fun, this episode skewed way more towards the former, with lines that even the charming cast could’ve quite overcome. It wasn’t all bad mind you, but it was more noticeable this time around than in the premiere.

Overall this was a fun and solid episode that kept the show’s momentum but wasn’t quite the home run the last episode was. That’s fine though, as we’ll take a double any day of the week.

So those are my thoughts, but let’s see what the community thought of the big episode, which you can find on the next slide! Also, make sure to hit me up @MattMuellerCB on Twitter and let me know what you thought of the premiere!


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A Dance Battle

(Photo: Hasbro)

Ravi and Zoey are both competing to be the leader of the group, but can we acknowledge that it would be even better if it played out like this amazing dance battle below? Yes, yes we can.

“ravi and zoey battling for gets to be leader #powerrangers #beastmorphersย “

Jax From New Jersey

(Photo: Hasbro)

It was also hard not to notice that Jax had a very distinctiveย accent, sounding like he came to Grid Battleforce HQ directly from Jersey. He also doesn’t like to be patted on the head, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with Jersey, it’s just a fact I thought you would like to know. What? First impressions matter!

“OMG JAX HAS A JERSEY ACCENT!!! #PowerRangers #BeastMorphers”

Difficult Choice

(Photo: Hasbro)

Power Rangers Beast Morphers airs at the same time as the new DuckTales cartoon, and one fan ended up switching between the two, but Beast Morphersย ended up winning them over in the end.

“#Beastmorphers I am loving the new season! :3 I’m switching between Beast morphers and the new ducktales ep and I am watchinhg more Beast than Duck.:) AND I LOVE the animal robots personalities! :3 Gorilla a big softie, cheetah short term forgetful and tough jackrabbit! :3”

Late For Work

(Photo: Hasbro)

Some are enjoying Beast Morphers so much that it caused them a problem they haven’t experienced for quite some time…being late for work on Saturday morning.

“I’m 33 1/2 years old. And for the first time in my life, I might have to say that “Power Rangers is going to make me late for work.” (I have to be in at 9) #PowerRangers #BeastMorphers”

Pure Badassery

(Photo: Hasbro)

All of the Rangers had their chances to shine in this episode, but for some, it was all about Zoey.

“Zoey is a fricking badass #PowerRangers #BeastMorphers”

Being A Kid Again

(Photo: Hasbro)

Watching a new episode of Power Rangers early on Saturday morning brought a lot of warm memories back for fans, and we can’t blame them.

“It’s Saturday morning and I’m watching @PowerRangers #BeastMorphers god it feels great to be a kid af this time in the morning Again .”

Weak Points Are Back

(Photo: Hasbro)

Fans flipped when they realized that the Ranger’s weakness from Go-Busters made it into Beast Morphers, first seen when Devon freezes at the sight of a dog.


A Stretch But Good

(Photo: Hasbro)

Some fans didn’t love the weaknesses bit but otherwise thought the show was solid.

“Still good into week 2. I do think the Animal DNA weaknesses are a little bit of a stretch but still no major problems. #BeastMorphers”

Great Episode

(Photo: Hasbro)

After the episode was all said and done fans had plenty of opinions, including this glowing one from @Kyoryu_Chaser.

“That was such a great episode. Gave us a lot of background info and explanations. We got to see what each character is capable of doing. I loved it so much. #BeastMorphers”

A Solid Episode

(Photo: Hasbro)

While some weren’t as high on this episode as the previous one, there was still a lot to like.

“Pretty solid second episode of #BeastMorphers. The unmorphed fights continue to be great, and the megazords, especially the racer zord, are SO COOL. Ben and Betty are cringe but at least they’re used sparingly. The weaknesses are a little weird, I wonder how they’ll be utilized”

Not Good, But Awesome

(Photo: Hasbro)

Others were thrilled with the second episode, feeling it kept up the momentum from the 1st while nailing the comedic parts.

“AWESOME Second episode. The team was brought together in an awesome way. Ben and Betty are more than just “comedy” they want to genuinely help the Rangers on the field. Devon, as chill as he is, knows when to get serious. Love it. #PowerRangers #BeastMorphers #GoGoPowerRangers”