Power Rangers

Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel ‘Magic Misfire’ Review And Fan Reactions

Another episode of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel is in the books, and we’ve got fans reactions […]

Another episode of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel is in the books, and we’ve got fans reactions to the episode Magic Misfire as well as our full review right here.

Spoilers incoming for Magic Misfire, so if you haven’t watched the episode yet you’ve been warned.

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Magic Misfire is the third to last main plot episode of Super Ninja Steel (not counting the Christmas Special), and so you’d expect it to start building towards the season finale. While it does that in one specific way, it doesn’t do it nearly as much as you might expect and leaves you wondering how much they are going to cram into the final two episodes. One can’t help but get the feeling the conclusion is going to feel extremely rushed.

Taken as just an episode on its own merits though, there was some enjoyable stuff here. We’re always up for Preston spotlights, and this one allowed him to take the lead while not relegating the rest of the team to the bench. It really felt like they were all in this situation together, with each member having some meaningful way to contribute to the plan of getting their teacher his job back.

One of the more welcome surprises here is how Victor and Monty were handled. As opposed to some I regularly enjoy their antics, but here it was nice to see them actually interacting with Preston and the rest of the club as, well, normal students, as opposed to their strict comedy duo schtick that seems to keep them on the outskirts of everything else. Their contribution was still funny but felt integrated with the rest of the plot and not just tacked on at the beginning and end.

The monster fight was a little too ho-hum here, and Brax really served no greater purpose, but it was great to see Preston get his spiffy Lion Fire Armor in this episode. Also, Levi’s upgraded gear just makes me want to go and buy a Poncho.

Alright, that’s my two cents, but hit the next slide to see what the fans thought!

A Simpler Solution

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

For some fans, it seemed like Preston could’ve kept the teacher employed by just explaining the situation, though there’s a chance no one would’ve believed he can actually perform magic, butย at least he could’veย tried.

Couldn’t Preston just have told the Principal he hypnotized the teacher as part of magic club and he wasn’t really asleep? #PowerRangers #SuperNinjaSteel

Perspective of a Teacher

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

The Principal’s reaction seems way harsh, right? Well, imagine what someone who is actually a teacher feels like?

“I can’t wait to see this episode about teachers getting fired for minor mistakes on first offense from the perspective of a teacher tonight on @DatabaseRanger’s Live Reactions! #PowerRangers #SuperNinjaSteel”

Voice of Reason

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

While everyone has their shining moments, Sarah is typically the voice of reason alongside Mick, who really keep the Rangers from doing crazy things or blowing themselves up in their HQ.

“oh no i see exactly where this is going and this is pretty bad shout-out to sarah for being the voice of reason as ALWAYS #Superninjasteel”

Going Back in Time

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Ummm, everyone was also shocked that Tynamon just pulled a Doctor Strange and rewound time right? Well, at least I know I’m not the only one now.

“Did Tynamon just rewind that defeat? #SuperNinjaSteel #PRSNS”

No Better Leader

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Seriously, if we could pick one club for Preston to lead it would almost certainly be Magic Club, and most others agreed.


We Hardly Knew You

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

The Rangers seem pretty connected to their teacher in this episode, but unfortunately,ย not everyone was on board with this, as this is the first time we are actually meeting him.

“Why should I feel sorry for an educator we hardly knew within the 42 episodes of this overall adaptation of #Ninninger?


Super Ninja HyperForce

(Photo: Hyper RPG/Saban)

Brody might be the leader of the team, but with him out of commission,ย it was up to Preston to lead the way, just like he did in Power Rangers HyperForce. Man we miss Marv…

“Preston is acting like the leader just like in #PowerRangersHyperForce. #SuperNinjaSteel”

Plot For Filler

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Some weren’t happy with the story progressionย here, as it didn’t seem to have a huge impact on the upcoming finale aside from Mick being kidnapped. With only two episodes to go, that’s a little worrisome.

“This weeks #SuperNinjaSteel reminds me of one of my main problems with Super Charge. Taking what could be a solid plot episode and making the filler plot the A plot instead.”

Wait…They’re Normal?

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

One of the things that stuck out here was the use of Victor and Monty, who were actually happily participatingย in Preston’s Magic Club. For someย though, it was kind of odd to see them getting along.

“Victor and Monty being normal for once in this scene is weird. #PowerRangers #SuperNinjaSteel”

Know Where To Look

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Braxย was actually shocked that the Rangers found him, but c’mon, if you really were concerned you would’ve gone somewhere different, right?

“”SO…YOU FOUND ME” of course they did brax we all know monsters love the quarry
#powerrangers #superninjasteel”