The latest Power Rangers trailer dropped this morning, and there is an abundance of things to process from the newest footage.
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You have things to do, though, so just the highlights this time. From Rita Repulsa and Goldar to the debut of a certain iconic Zord, the trailer had tons of action and plenty to dissect about this new group of Rangers.
Hit the next slide to see what five moments stuck out the most!
“Saban’s Power Rangers follows five ordinary high school kids who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove โ and the world โ is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover that they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so they will have to overcome their real-life issues and band together as the Power Rangers before it is too late.”
Power Rangersstars Bryan Cranston (Zordon), Elizabeth Banks (Rita Repulsa), Naomi Scott (Kimberly/Pink Ranger), David Denman (Sam Scott), Becky G. (Trini/Yellow Ranger), Sarah Grey (Amanda), RJ Cyler (Billy Cranston/Blue Ranger), Emily Maddison (Rebecca), Ludi Lin (Zack Taylor/Black Ranger), and Dacre Montgomery (Jason Lee Scott/Red Ranger). Power Rangers is set to land in theaters on March 24, 2017.
Goldar Attacks
It’s one thing to see Goldar in toy form, where fans got a good look at his overall costume design. It’s another thing entirely to see the creature standing tall above Angel Grove’s highest point as he lays waste to the city. Even cooler is how the Rangers take the fight to him, using their Zord’s various abilities to try and hammer him from different directions.
While it’s not good news for the Pink Ranger, you can’t help but find the fact that he just swatted her Pterodactyl Zord out of the sky like it was a fly sort of impressive.

The Zords Charge Into Battle
Speaking of Zords, their big debut was pretty spectacular. From that opening shot showing the five Zords charging towards Goldar (which gives fans their best look at the Triceratops and Mastodon Zords) to the advanced weaponry on bothy the Pteradactyl and Tyrannosaursย Rex, these things are formidable.
Plus, who didn’t get a bit giddy when the Yellow Ranger’s Sabertooth Tiger jumped on Godar’s back? The answer? Everybody did.

The Putties
Fans had already seen the general design of the Putties via the upcoming toy line, but they are immensely more impressive in the film. In addition to their sheer numbers (represented in that field combat scene), these Putties aren’t the simple canon fodder of the previous series.
They’re actually quite threatening and extremely powerful, as Zack quickly learns during an impromptu training session. It actually makes one look forward to the full-on combat scenes between the Putties and the Rangers.

Zordon And Alpha 5 Debut
The more alien vibe is most apparent in the approach to the Power Ranger’s headquarters, including their mentor and leader Zordon. Bryan Cranston’s version of the character debuted in the new trailer, and it’s extremely well done. The tech behind appears alien, but it shows enough of his facial features to actually benefit from Cranston’s acting chops.
Alpha 5 also debuted in the trailer, and while some weren’t receptive to the concept design, it seems to really work in action.

Megazord Emerges
ย You can’t have a giant boss fight and not invite the Power Rangers secret weapon, and by trailer’s end fans get their first look at the imposing Megazord. His debut was worth the wait, and honestly, the toy didn’t do the design justice.
His power core surges with blue energy, and fans should be looking forward to seeing how the Zords actually combine to form him, which is only hinted at in the trailer. Seeing him go toe to toe with Goldar to close out the trailer was definitelyย one of the biggest highlights of the new trailer.
Let us know what stuck out to you from the new trailer in the comments!

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