Former Go Go Power Rangers artist Dan Mora recently revealed a redesigned version of the Red Ranger, and now he’s followed that up with his Pink Ranger design.
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The Power Rangers artist decided to do some tweaking to the iconic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers costume design, and he recently posted his version of Kimberly Hart the Pink Ranger. Like the Red Ranger version, the Pink Ranger suit features the iconic pink and white color scheme, though the diamond in the middle of the chest is a blue hue and appears to glow, sort of like the recent Power Rangers movie costumes.
The diamond is also not part of a pattern any longer, as the white areas by each arm are connected to the white collar. There are also other small blue accents on the shoulders and on the torso areas that match the middle diamond. The arms and gloves have also received a drastic change, as the white and red interweave a bit, giving it a more modern and less glove-like appearance. The boots are mostly white with red accents, though the diamond design is also cut towards the top.
The biggest change in this version though is the removal of the Pink Ranger’s skirt. This version of Kim has a full bodysuit just like Jason’s, making her appear the same as Trini the Yellow Ranger, who never had a skirt in the show. In reality that wasn’t a fashion choice, but more one of necessity. Since the Yellow Ranger in the Sentai was played by a man, the suit didn’t feature a skirt, and when they cast a woman in the role for Power Rangers they couldn’t add that in since the show uses the original footage from the sentai, hence Kimberly was the only one with a skirt.
Mora also made some tweaks to the Ranger Slayer, a character he helped create and design in Go Go Power Rangers. For this design, Mora keeps the majority of the costume intact, as it was pretty fantastic to begin with. The black, pink, and white costume theme is still in place, but everything’s been given a sleeker look with stylish technological flourishes. This is readily apparent on Ranger Slayer’s left arm armor, which isn’t as jagged and features small LED’s throughout. Her left shoulder armor is more rounded her and flows right into her armor as opposed to the more medieval looking shoulder armor she sports now.
There are also small LEDs on her knees and around her central diamond, which also appears to glow, and the boots and legs now have a darker grey to tie the armor into the inside of the cape. The boots overall feature the same design as her Mighty Morphin teammates. It also appears the bow is all white and pink now as opposed to being black, white, and pink like before.
You can check out the redesigns in the images above.
You can see more of Mora’s work on the cover to Go Go Power Rangers #14, which is written by Ryan Parrott and drawn by Eleonora Carlini with a cover by Dan Mora. The official description is included below.
“Separated for the first time since becoming Power Rangers, the teens must use their wits and inner strength to overcome the odds and distance between them, just as Rita Repulsa comes ever closer to unearthing her ultimate weapon!”
Go Go Power Rangers #14 is in comic stores now.