Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Wraps Filming

Well, Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 looks like its wrapped and now the wait begins anew. Jonathan [...]

Well, Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 looks like its wrapped and now the wait begins anew. Jonathan Frakes posted some of the key art to Twitter with a message for fans. He said, "That's a wrap on Season 3 of @trekdiscovery Congrats to my family of friends @startrekcbs." It looks like that's a pretty definitive statement, but fans are left to wonder how most of those mysteries will be picked up in the coming batch of episodes. The distant future is now the present for most of the cast and there are some things that need to be unpacked. Near the tail end of last season, we find ourselves 930 years in the future and Starfleet could be no more. Also of note, is there a captain now? Fans looking for some time-travel answers are going to have to be patient according to head producer Alex Kurtzman.

"I would be remiss in saying you're going to see Spock again on Discovery because we've obviously jumped so far into the future that it wouldn't make sense," Kurtzman explained, "but the idea of bringing Ethan [Peck] back, and Anson [Mount] and Rebecca [Romijn] and the Enterprise, I mean, we loved it so much, and to find a way to do that is definitely something we're thinking about."

Michelle Paradise is the new co-showrunner and she told the crowd at the TCA press tour that the issue will be addressed. "Well, I can't answer any specifics but I will remind you that in our finale, as Pike was leaving, he said, 'We are going to need to choose a new captain,'" Paradise elaborated. "Saru said, 'Let's put a pin in that and see what happens.' Discovery will need a captain. The pin will need to come out. We will need to address that in the story."

Since it's not going to be Pike, there are some fans who are wanting more of Anton Mount. They've been campaigning for a spinoff series featuring the actor. Ethan Peck's Mr. Spock has been a bright spot too. Last year, asked him about that possible spinoff.

"I read a couple of different drafts of the pilot of Discovery because I was in discussions with them to possibly play Lorca, and they very wisely hired Jason Isaacs," Mount said. "But every creative choice that they made for Discovery is absolutely what I would've done as well. My pace in television is usually serialized, rather than episodic or procedural. I don't feel that we had seen enough Trek with longer storylines, with more connective tissue between episodes.

"That said, I think that to do a retro Enterprise show, it almost wants to be episodic, big idea of the week kind of thing. Not that there can't be character development. There was in the original. But yeah, it just feels to me like it would fit well into a more of an episodic structure, like the original and like The Next Generation."

Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 is expected to debut on CBS All Access in 2020.