Jean-Luc Picard may be ready for romance in the second season of Star Trek: Picard. had the opportunity to speak with Patrick Stewart ahead of the new season. He again reprises his role as the former Enterprise captain. Convincing Stewart to return to the Star Trek universe was no easy task. Stewart made it clear to the show’s creators that he has no interest in repeating performances or storylines from Star Trek: The Next Generation. asked him about what new things he’s getting to do as Jean-Luc in Star Trek: Picard‘s next season.
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“Well, what immediately comes to mind is romance of a very different nature and quality than it might have been in Star Trek: The Next Generation, when really, I had a succession of dates,” Stewart says, laughing. “But this has developed much more in season two.”
Throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation and the films that followed, Picard did have some romantic entanglements. There was always romantic tension between him and Dr. Beverly Crusher. For various reasons, the two never got together (unless you read the now-ended Star Trek novels line). He also had some spur-of-the-moment engagements. He met the archeologist Vash during The Next Generation‘s run. Later, he fell for Anij, the Ba’ku leader from Star Trek: Insurrection. But these relationships never transcended the episodic nature of the stories where they began. Thus, Picard remains single by Star Trek: Picard‘s first season.
Of course, this begs the question of whom Picard may be interested in in the upcoming season. Most of Star Trek: Picard‘s other main characters have paired off already. Raffi and Seven started a relationship at the end of the first season. Dr. Agnes Jurati and Cristobal Rios became involved earlier, though not without complications. Soji is significantly younger than Picard, seeing him almost as a grandfather figure.
The Romulan working on Picard’s estate, Laris, is back in the new season, though she’s married. Perhaps someone from Picard’s past will return, like Dr. Crusher. Alternatively, we know that Star Trek: Picard‘s second season deals with time travel and Jean-Luc’s past. Maybe he visits an old flame from his memory.
Star Trek fans don’t have much longer to wait to see what the new season of the streaming series has in store for Jean-Luc Picard. Star Trek: Picard returns for its second season on Paramount+ on March 3rd. Star Trek: Picard‘s first season is streaming on Paramount+ now.