Star Wars

Andor Episode 4 Has Star Wars Fans Loving Mon Mothma & Luthen Rael


Andor Episode 4 had Mon Mothma and Luthen Rael spending some time together. Fans are loving the series so far and especially the dynamic with these two characters. One quick scroll of Twitter shows how many people couldn’t get enough of the meeting between the two. Promos for Episode 4 focused on a tense moment between Genevieve O’Reilly’s and Stellan Skarsgård’s characters. A bit of despair has been in the air over the course of this entire Disney+ series. Basically, Andor is the most adult of the Star Wars series on the streaming platform. There’s been all kinds of social issues on display and a tone that feels very familiar to Rogue One fans. So, check out some of the celebration for yourself down below.

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“The only thing I can say is you’re going to see where he was five years before Rogue One, and you’re not going to believe Rogue One was possible,” Diego Luna told “That’s the idea, to see a transformation and an awakening. I can’t tell you how that will be represented, you’ll have to wait until the 31st of August. But it is about that, and it’s about how much we’re all capable of changing and transforming, and that’s the beauty of storytelling. Not many times you start knowing the end, here you know what happens. It’s not about, like, ‘Oh this happened!’ No, no, it’s how it happened that matters. It’s about the little details and what’s in between lines and every layer of the character. Even though we are on a very epic kind of show and a huge spy adventure show, we’re going to have time for intimacy. You’re going to go deep into the character and the people around him. It’s going to be interesting, I think, and it’s going to be dark and fun and different from what you see out there now.”

Are you loving Andor? Let us know down in the comments!

Delivering on all fronts

It’s really gorgeous

So much tension in it

Been a force so far

Now that we’re all alone…

What a callback lol

Wild times here

Even the stuff you knew can be surprising