Chris Hemsworth Would Love to Join the Star Wars Franchise

When it comes to some of entertainment's major franchises, Chris Hemsworth has had a part in [...]

When it comes to some of entertainment's major franchises, Chris Hemsworth has had a part in several. Not only has he brought Thor to life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he's also appeared in the Star Trek series, Men in Black: International, and even Ghostbusters. But there's one franchise that Hemsworth hasn't yet appeared in and that's Star Wars, but that doesn't mean he's not interested. Star Wars is a franchise that Hemsworth would love to join.

During his panel at ACE Comic Con Midwest this weekend, Hemsworth was asked if he'd want to be a part of the Star Wars franchise in some capacity, be it on television such as the upcoming Disney+ series The Mandalorian or if he wanted to be in the movies. For Hemsworth, that answer was simple because it's something he's a fan of, too.

"Oh yeah, I'd love to," Hemsworth said. "I'm not sure there's many people that'd say they wouldn't want to be a part of that world, you know and especially having it be something I've grown up with like all of us here, probably, it'd be like a fan experience as opposed to being an actor and that's the fun thing at this point of cinema and my career."

Being a fan of Star Wars isn't the only way that Hemsworth is like the rest of us, either. During the same panel, the actor was also asked if he'd like to see Beta Ray Bill make his way into the live-action MCU and Hemsworth was all for that as Beta Ray Bill's first story arc was one of the first comics the actor read while preparing to play Thor.

"That was one of the first comics I ever read," Hemsworth said. "Yeah, I'd love that. I just hope they keep letting me have a crack at it."

And it's possible that it might happen. Hemsworth went on to talk about how post-Thor: Ragnarok, the Thor role has been reinvigorated and he'd love for it to continue.

"I've been having so much fun at it and it doesn't feel old to me and it feels fresh more now that the first couple of times I played it," Hemsworth said. "To be reinvigorated with the character and the world and to feel like we sort of have no boundaries so we can really take it anywhere is an exciting point to be in."

Would you like to see Hemsworth in a Star Wars project? Let us know in the comments below.