The next animated series set in the Star Wars universe is going to focus on the iconic women in the franchise, showcasing the heroic natures of Leia, Ahsoka, Jyn, and Rey. Star Wars: Forces of Destiny is set to premiere next month on Disney’s YouTube channel, utilizing a classic animation style to tell vignettes featuring some of the great leading ladies in the Star Wars saga.
Series writer Jennifer Muro spoke about the new cartoon and how Star Wars has impacted her own career.
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“Going into it, I want to represent everyday heroism and the heroic moments that shape these characters in different ways,” Muro said to Den of Geek. “Leia would handle a situation one way, Ahsoka another way, Jyn another way. That was the goal all along.”
Not only will the series feature these popular characters in the Star Wars franchise, but they’ll be voiced by the actors who portray them on the screen โ Daisy Ridley, Felicity Jones, Ashley Eckstein, and Tiya Sicar will all be involved as their characters Rey, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka Tano, and Sabine Wren respectively.
It will also feature stories about Princess Leia set in the time of the Original Trilogy.
“We’ve lived with [Leia] longer than any other character. It’s about keeping true to her voice and to Carrie’s voice.”
Leia will be portrayed by Shelby Young in the YouTube series.
โจEach segment is going to be about two-to-three minutes long, but given the success of Star Wars stories in animation that could expand to a more significant series.
The series will focus on specific moments set between the memorable stories we know and love. It will detail Sabine’s backstory before Star Wars Rebels and show some of Ahsoka’s adventures outside of the Clone Wars, with Lupita Nyong’o narrating the show as Man Kanata.
It sounds like an interesting Star Wars series, utilizing the anthology format to reveal even more about the kickass women of the saga.
Forces of Destiny premieres on the Disney YouTube Channel in July, followed by a two-part TV special in the fall.
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