Star Wars

New Space Force Uniforms Have Star Wars Fans Worried That War With Ewoks on Endor Is Coming

This week, the United States Space Force unveiled its uniforms. The uniforms have a woodland […]

This week, the United States Space Force unveiled its uniforms. The uniforms have a woodland camouflage pattern and the words “United States Space Force” stitched onto the front. It’s a far cry from the Starfleet style uniforms that some Star Trek fans like Elon Musk may have been expecting. Even so, The reveal of these uniforms on Space Force’s social media drew a lot of attention. But a lot of folks aren’t sure why members of Space Force would need a woodland camouflage patternโ€ฆ in space. That’s where Star Wars fans come in. These fans remember Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and they remember the battle that took place between the forces of the Galactic Empire and the native Ewoks on the forest moon of Endor.

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The Stormtroopers at that battle probably wish they had woodland camouflage, as the Rebel Alliance forces did, instead of standing out in bright white armor when they faced the Ewoks’ guerilla tactics. Star Wars fans on social media are reminding others of this hard-learned lesson and wondering if war with the Ewoks is imminent. We’ve gathered some of their response here.

Space Force seems destined to draw comparisons to great space opera stories from popular culture. In addition to Star Wars, the name of one of Space Force’s units seems to be a reference to Spock from Star Trek.

Space Force will soon have an unofficial presence in popular culture to call it’s own. Steve Carrell is re-teaming with some of the minds behind The Office to create a Space Force workplace comedy on Netflix.

What do you think of the Space Force uniforms? Let us know in the comments.

Declare War

Just in case

other planets

world war III in space

Watch out ewoks

First Deployment?

For when we invade

ready for battle

Also Kashyyyk

First Stop