At night, June hopelessly radios for John. Althea agrees with her on the search continuing. Morgan is willing to continue but his pals are looking forward to moving on.
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Back at the truck, Jim and Sarah argue about how many people should be in the truck. Jim wants to move on and insists his beer making skills are key to their future. Walkers emerge from the tree line and Sarah moves to put them down. Jim hangs back. He requests a gun from Wendell but he is shut down. Using a mirror, he sees a walker coming up behind him and while Jim wants to hastily kill it with a gun, Wendell shows off a spike trap on his wheel chair.
Jim was about to get his first kill but Sarah puts it down. Jim looks at it, though, seeing the message written on his head. Sarah orders Morgan back to the truck, where June sees this is Quinn. Over the radio, she realizes he is not out there. Jim is eager to move on, Sarah agrees with him. The radio plays back some walker gargles. The dirty woman tell her it is Quinn and she made him what he was meant to be. “He’s not weak anymore,” she says. Morgan recognizes the voice and starts talking to her.
The woman immediately recognizes Morgan. “I know a lot about you, Morgan,” she says. She learned it from Althea’s tapes and insists people getting help makes them weak. She wants them to stop trying to help people, which will make them strong again, and she won’t have to intervene.
The Fear the Walking Dead opening credits play.
Strand wakes up at a ranger station. He uses binoculars to scout the area. It’s surrounded by water. Nearby, John is chopping wood with his gun belt hanging on a tree. He is forced to put down a walker, still recovering from his bullet wound. He and Strand realize a bird has been attracting the dead with its noise.ย
Strand rules that if he had alcohol this place would be paradise, which he wants had until he agreed to go with John and he definitely won’t board the raft John is building. “It’s time to stop being foolish,” Strand rules.
Elsewhere, Luciana finds a library and investigates inside, looking for Charlie. Instead, she finds walkers and puts them down, ultimately rescuing an older man stuck in his car since the storm. “My name’s Clayton,” he says, reaching his hand out. “You look like you been through the ringer. Why do you want to help a total stranger?”
“I have some things to make up for,” she tells him.
“Don’t we all?”
Back on the water, John prepares to depart on his raft. Strand watches him off. An alligator starts to approachย John so he shoots at it, forcing it to scamper off. Strand jokes that they are still roommates.
On the road, Morgan buries the man he found. Jim questions why. Morgan decides he wants to find the woman responsible. Jim starts to question Morgan about what the woman meant when she said he used to be strong. He says he has some things to make up for and if they decide not to go with him he’ll take the truck. Althea is on his side and can handle the truck. When Sarah draws her knife, Morgan slaps it from her hand with his shovel. They’re instantly convinced and on board.
John watches the water and sees the alligator take down a walker. Strand talks to him about his hopes of finding June. They end up arguing about how far they’ve come and how different they are from the past.ย
Later, Strand comes upon a truck in the trees. A walker is trapped in the driver’s seat.ย
Luciana leverages the car to try to free his leg. He insists the car is keeping him together. Luciana asks if he wants her to find anyone. “Just one person but it’s the only person I don’t wanna see,” he tells her. “I never thought I’d go out like this.” He chuckles from his belly. “I’d love to have one last beer,” he says. Luciana makes this her mission. She leaves a radio for Clayton to keep in communication with him.ย
John explains to Strand that the truck up the hill can be used to cross the water. He needs his help because Alicia shot him.ย
Back at the truck somewhere else on the road, Morgan plants more boxes to try to help people. This time, he instructs people to radio him on VHF channel 4. June is hopeful John will see one of these. Morgan is confident they’ll find him and everyone else.ย
Strand makes an effort to safely put the walker down in the truck but first finds a bottle of wine he wants. The walker gets a hold of his wrist and pulls him. The truck tumbles down the hill and at the bottom the walker is dead.ย
Later, John pursues Strand and is mad that he almost got himself killed over some alcohol. “Good luck with raft number two,” Strand dismisses. “I’ll be your noise maker when you need me.”
John opens up the truck and starts creating his raft.ย
Luciana searches high and low for a beer. Clayton radios for her, she promises she is getting close.ย
John preps his raft alone.ย
Luciana stumbles upon an empty six pack of beer while Strand examines his bottle of wine. John questions if he always drinks. “I drink to forget,” Strand says. “That I don’t have anyone to drink with anymore. You’ve got things to look forward to over there. I only have things to look back on.”
John says it’s not true. Strand has someone to share a drink with but they’re just going to have it on the other side of the water. He has managed to create a distraction for the alligator using the car’s horn and battery. Strand is on board, now.ย
Luciana’s search continues. She is sorry for not having found the beer. He tells her a story about getting a job which took him away from the world because that’s what he wanted. When the world changed, he realized he made the biggest mistake of his life. “I couldn’t help the people I had run away from so I found a way to help the people who were still around,” he says. “Just because you weren’t able to help me, Lucy, doesn’t mean you’re not gonna be able to help someone else.”
Meanwhile, John rigs the horn to continue sounding and attract the alligator. He and Strand prepare for their departure and head into the water. THe horn attracts walkers as John paddles away.
Luciana walks down the street alone. She comes upon one of the boxes Morgan left behind. She discovers the message and supplies,ย including the beer Jim slipped into the box.ย
In the water, walkers are devoured by an alligator. Theย horn stops and John declares, “Well, that’s a pickle.” He continues his rowing but drops his paddle. The alligator tries to knock them over. His gunshots miss. Strand declares they have to go back after John’s gun shots attract the walkers. Strand bails and heads back. John follows.ย
In his car, Clayton sees Luciana approaching. “You don’t give up,” he says to her.ย
“I watched someone die and I couldn’t do anything to make him feel better in his last moment,” she says. “I wasn’t gonna let that happen again.” She hands him the beer and he is delighted to feel it is cold, thanks to her first aid kid. He thanks her.ย
“Can I give you something, too?” he asks. “Couple of notebooks in the back. Places where I left supplies.”ย
“Your job, that took you away from everyone you cared about, what was it?” she asks.ย
He takes her hand; “I drove trucks.”
Later, Luciana tries to radio for the people who left the box. “What you left, it helped more than you will ever know,” she says.
“Luciana, is that you?” Morgan responds.ย
Back by the water, Strand and John sit together, defeated. Strand retreats to his broken down house with his wine. John enjoys a candy.ย
In the back of the truck, Morgan looks through the notebooks Luciana brought from Clayton. Suddenly, Morgan’s radio hears Charlie. Alicia takes it from her and tells Morgan they’re by mile marker 84. They’re going to come back but the dirty woman chimes in. She tells Morgan she gave her a chance to leave.
Morgan starts his attention toward her. He claims that helping people makes everyone stronger. He tries to reason with her in an effort to get her to join them. She is driving Al’s van with undeadย Quinn in the back. In the end, he is going to help people and then help her.ย
Sarah notifies them that the van is right behind them. It approaches and the dirty woman has Althea’s guns drawn. Near the front of the truck, she opens fire.ย