Fear The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Ouroboros

Disheveled survivors of Flight 462 struggle to survive at sea. Alex searches for Jake and finds [...]

FTWD 203

Disheveled survivors of Flight 462 struggle to survive at sea. Alex searches for Jake and finds him with a badly injured face, unresponsive in the water, before being pulled onto a life raft. A man on the life raft has been bitten, so another hits him with a paddle and knocks him out of the raft. Later, she tends to Jake's face as the two men in the raft debate on whether or not its worth helping him.

In the night, one man tries to kill Jake but Alex stabs in the throat an tosses him off of the raft. The remaining man tries to convince Alex to do what is "truly best" for Jake. He wants Alex to put Jake out of his misery. Jake awakens, struggling to breathe, telling Alex, "It's okay."

Oboard the Abigail, Strand tries to call someone but they're not answering. He hears some static and tells someone, "I'm coming," but gets disconnected.

Travis lays in bed with Madison, troubled by everything that has happened. He and Madison start to make love in the bed but are interupted when the Abigail sounds like it is shutting down.

Later, Travis has a bunch of folders, informing everyone that the machines cooling the engines aren't working. Travis will go under water and try to fix it.

He dives beneath the boat in some scuba gear with a flashlight. What he finds is the last remaining survivor on the life raft with Alex.

Back on the Abigail, Travis and Strand work together to fix some jammed up pipes of the ship's. They smell awful. Travis claims they're backing up the whole intake. He'll have to pull the zombie out and then come back and continue his work inside. Strand pushes him to hurry up.

Ophelia patches herself up and her father barges in, questioning whether or not she's taking her antibiotics. She's willing to ask Madison for some medicine but Daniel insists they will take care of themselves. He doesn't want people to know when they have problems.

Alicia runs around the deck calling for her mom. She hands her some binoculars and shows her that there are suitcases and other luggage on the shore, probably full of supplies. Madison doesn't want to head that way but Nick volunteers to go and others want to go with him. Daniel offers to take them. The group ends up being Chris, Nick, Alicia, and Daniel. Nick and Ophelia still have some sort of connection. Daniel lets it slip that Strand has them on course for Mexico and informs only Madison. He wants her to approach Strand because she is more diplomatic then he is. The lifeboat takes off for the shore.

Daniel leads the way as he and the kids start their search through the wreckage. He orders everyone to fill their bags and come back.

Travis heads back under the ship to dislodge the walker in its system. Madison watches those on shore before heading up and following Travis' bubbles.

Chris acts suspiciously on land before heading away from the group by himself.

Madison continues watching and waiting for Travis. A massive amount of bubbles and bloody water erupt next to the boat. The dead body surfaces with one arm and a knife in its head, followed by Travis.

Nick finds a woman's hat and puts it on before giving it to Alicia. She tosses him a Captain's shirt. Elsewhere, Chris searches a big chunk of the fuselage, picking up a piece as a weapon. He cautiously goes inside and finds some undead passengers strapped into their chairs. He toys with them before beating them in the head. One man wakes up. He's still alive and asking for help.

Madison approaches Strand and asks him about Mexico. He tries to talk his way out of it but she wants to know where they're going. Strand reveals that he has supplies in Baja. She asks him why he would lie and insists that her group is going with him. She tells him that if he betrays her or her family, she'll throw him overboard, but Strand replies, "You're not a killer."

Daniel searches through some luggage as Nick approaches with his new shirt on and presents a blue button up to Daniel. "It's bad luck to steal from the dead. You should not be joking about it," he says. Nick realizes that Daniel is looking for pills to help Ophelia and offers some of his knowledge. As he explains, Daniel realizes that Chris is missing and goes searching for him.

Chris tries to help the man still locked into his seatbelt and only makes things worse when the man falls from his chair, revealing that part of his spine is bulging out of his back. The man wants Chris to kill him but Chris tries to offer him water. He gets his weapon and prepares himself to kill the man and does with a few blows to the head.

Daniel continues his search for Chris. Alicia and Nick sit around waiting. Alicia is worried about how long they're taking and sets off to find them but Chris holds her up when he finds a briefcase full of pharmaceuticals.

Travis and Madison are below deck working on the ship's filtration system. She tells Travis about Strand's place in Baja. Travis is skeptical, saying they are only going because they have no other option, not because they trust him. Travis tells Madison that even though they're together, he doesn't know where they're going.

Daniel's search continues. He finds Alex running down a hill frantically, yelling, "They're coming!" A massive herd of walkers comes over the sandy hill. Travis daws his pistol and takes aim.

Nick fills his bad and hears a walker in the near distance. It's below him in the rocks, trapped in the sand being eaten by crabs. Nick slips and falls down the hill and finds himself wrestling with the walker, eventually stabbing it in the head with a box cutter. Another walker stumbles down the hill and falls onto Nick.

Alicia searches for Chris around the fuselage. He tells her he was looking for supplies and he is okay. She seems a bit impressed that he "killed one." Gunshots ring out. Daniel is taking out walkers. Madison and Travis hear and ready the ship.

Alex, Daniel, Chris, and Alicia take on a massive herd on the beach.

Travis reaches into an absolutely disgusting looking pipe to try and clear it out. It works and power to the ship is restored.

Alicia hacks walkers down with the rest of the group but they find themselves cornered. Nick saves them, covered in blood. The walkers aren't attacking him. Nick walks up to a walker and stands face to face with it, even making growling sounds. Alicia calls for him and he rushes to her. She asks him if he is bit. He insists he is okay. They hop into their little boat and flee the island. Alex tells them they need to make a stop.

Strand looks on from the ship. Madison is eager to know if everyone is okay. Strand is frustrated that Alex and another are tagging along.

They group reunites on the ship. Strand is not willing to let Alex on board. Madison reveals the plan to go to Mexico and everyone starts to question it. They are quieted when Travis gets behind it. Alicia questions what will happen with Alex and Jake. Strand looks at Madison for help but Alicia is ruthlessly pleading to take them on board. Travis suggests towing them at the very least. Strand tries to shut that down, too, but Travis gets loud and insists. Strand walks off. Travis offers Alex food and water.

Moments later, Alicia and Madison bring Alex water, towels, and some food. Alicia insists it doesn't have to be this way but Madison tells her this is the best she can do. They watch as Alex and Jake are distanced from the Abigail.

Strand paces in the control room.

Nick and Ophelia sit on top of the ship. He presents her with the Rosary he found earlier.

Alex sits with Jake and tells him that everyday will get a little bit, promising that this is the worst it is going to be.

Strand rushes to the back of the ship and cuts to cord holding Alex and Jake's little boat.