The Mandalorian Unearths Patton Oswalt Joke With Nick Nolte In Star Wars

While Star Wars: The Mandalorian dives into a time and place that had not been seen before in a [...]

While Star Wars: The Mandalorian dives into a time and place that had not been seen before in a "Galaxy Far, Far Away", the Disney+ series has managed to unearth a little known joke from the mega-nerd/comedian Patton Oswalt. Years ago during the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. star's stand-up career, he made a joke that mentioned how Nick Nolte came amazingly close to being chosen to be the original Han Solo, over the now legendary Harrison Ford. Nolte though has gotten his chance to enter the universe as he brings to life the alien sidekick to the Mandalorian in Kuiil.

Oswalt of course hilariously ribbed Nolte's acting style, stating that his version of Han Solo would let out a begrudging "Aww hell" with his blaster pistol belt hanging below his beer gut. It's a hilarious joke on its own, but even more funny now that Nick Nolte is officially part of the Star Wars Universe in the Mandalorian. Kuiil is an interesting foil for the protagonist of the new Disney+ series, giving fans a brand new catchphrase to latch onto in the form of "I have spoken".

Patton Oswalt is no stranger to the world of nerd-dom, having supplied the now legendary monologue filmed for NBC's Parks And Rec show wherein he laid out an epic crossover between the Marvel Universe and Star Wars. Oswalt is also no stranger to Disney as he supplied the voice for the Remy The Rat in the Pixar film, Ratatouielle.

Nolte also isn't exactly a rookie when it comes to science fiction, having portrayed Bruce Banner's father in the 2003 Ang Lee film, Hulk. It was in this movie that Nolte bit down on an electrical wire to help transform himself into the Absorbing Man, a long time Hulk villain who has the ability to change his consistency into whatever he touches.

Kuiil has seemingly exited stage right from the Mandalorian series, having assisted the bounty hunter in repairing his ship after it had been dismantled by Jawas. Whether he'll appear in the franchise again is anyone's guess, though it is still hilarious to see Patton Oswalt's original joke involving Nolte and Star Wars re-emerge thanks to Disney+'s new blockbuster. Though Kuiil's role in the series has been an important one, it has been "Baby Yoda" that has taken the spotlight among fans so far.

New episodes of Star Wars: The Mandalorian debut on Fridays at 12:01 am PT on Disney+. If you haven't signed up for Disney+ yet, you can do that here.

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