NBC’s beloved One Chicago franchise is losing yet another star this year. During Wednesday night’s new episode of Chicago Med, Asjha Cooper’s character, Vanessa Taylor, announced that she had plans away from the hospital, effectively writing her off of the series. Following the episode’s airing, Variety confirmed that Cooper had officially left the series and Wednesday represented her last episode of Chicago Med.ย
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During the episode, Vanessa told her birthmother, Maggie, that she had a calling outside of Chicago. She announced that she was quitting her job as a doctor to help people in need in the Philippines. Cooper appeared in 29 episodes of Chicago Med, starring in the last two seasons.
Cooper is one of many notable Chicago Med actors who have left or announced plans to leave during the Dick Wolf show’s eighth season.
Who Is Leaving Chicago Med?
This season has seen Guy Lockhard and Sarah Rafferty both exit Chicago Med, leaving behind their roles as Dylan Scott and Pamela Blake, respectively. Brian Tee, who has been one of the show’s series regulars since it first began in 2015, is also leaving this season. He’ll be saying goodbye to Dr. Ethan Choi in an episode that is set to air in December, though he’ll be returning to the series as a director later in the season.
“I’ve thought a lot about what Dr. Choi represents. As far as my career path, it was the school of hard knocks for a long time,” Tee told Deadline after announcing his exit. “I took what the industry granted me as far as opportunities were concerned. At that time, the box I was allowed to play in around 20-plus years ago, was very limited; it was very stereotypical, and cliche like playing the Asian bad guy archetype. I have nothing against it; I was able to build a career but it never propelled me to a level of which I knew I was capable. Then literally, as I’m playing Shredder inย Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the villain of all Asian villains, my phone rings and it’s my agent asking me if I want to go to Chicago.
“Ethan Choi represents to me the first time I’ve actually played a protagonist in such a strong way and he catapulted me into a different arena, one where I feel the perception of not only myself but Asian Americans had been changed. Just having an Asian face as a leading man was a stepping stone if not the ladder.”