TV Shows

‘Game of Thrones’ Crashes HBO Apps Again

The final season of Game of Thrones continues to make its presence known. In the second week of […]

The final season of Game of Thrones continues to make its presence known. In the second week of the season, fans are reporting widespread outages of HBO Go and HBO Now, streaming platforms provided by the premium network. It’s the second week in the row the show has caused the two platforms to crash due to overwhelming fan response. Fans instantly took to Twitter to share their displeasure of the service.

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“Thanks a lot HBO!” @prachlin43 says. “You made us miss the first 9 minutes!! Get it together baby!”

Another tweeter, @kylerayner, had more vulgar response to the situation, saying “the f***ing hbo app is down,” before voicing displeasure on potentially getting spoiled.

“IM TRYNA WATCH SOME GoT,” another Twitter user says.

The Game of Thrones Season Eight premiere shattered records for HBO, tallying a whopping 17.4 million viewers during the live broadcast via television and streaming options. The previous record holder was the seventh season finale, which drew 16.3 million viewers. A report from EW suggests the show also garnered upwards of five million tweets during the broadcast itself, another massive success for HBO and it’s publicity team.

Free publicity hasn’t been tricky for HBO to come by. In light of the highly-anticipated Mueller Report being released earlier this week, President Donald Trump posted a bizarre Game of Thrones-themed tweet. Reports have since surfaced that said the imagery gathered free publicity valued upwards of $25 million.

“There are really no words for how I feel this morning,” Game of Thrones creator George RR Martin wrote on his blog shortly after the 2016 election. “America has spoken. I really thought we were better than this. Guess not. Trump was the least qualified candidate ever nominated by a major party for the presidency. Come January, he will become the worst president in American history, and a dangerously unstable player on the world stage. And the decimated Democrats, a minority in both House and Senate, do not have the power to hinder him. Over the next four years, our problems are going to get much, much worse. Winter is coming. I told you so.”

Game of Thrones airs Sunday nights on HBO beginning at 9/8 p.m. Central.

Do you have access to a streaming platform showing Game of Thrones? Let us know in the comments below!


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