Irish Wax Museum is Getting Thrashed for Game of Thrones Display of Daenerys Targaryen

The final season of Game of Thrones is in full swing, and fans around the world have been [...]

The final season of Game of Thrones is in full swing, and fans around the world have been celebrating their love for the HBO series in various ways. The National Wax Museum in Dublin, Ireland recently joined in on the excitement by unveiling a waxwork of Daenerys Targaryen, the character played by Emilia Clarke on series. Unfortunately, the Daily Mail is reporting that the well-intentioned wax figure is being met with negative reactions. The article calls the figure "underwhelming" and claims it looks more like Legolas from The Lord of the Rings than the Mother of Dragons.

As you can see, it's certainly not the most realistic figure. This is unfortunate considering it took artist PJ Heraghty around six months to complete the work. To be fair, it's better than what most people could accomplish.

Many fans were quick to comment on the post, all being pretty harsh on the figure.

"That looks like the twice removed weird step uncle of Dragons….," @boxichoosetouse wrote.

"Hahaha, this is more likely a botox version of Ned Stark wearing a blonde wig!," @her_heyness added.

Some fans tried to be a little kinder with their criticism.

"The work is great but it looks nothing like her!!," @jas_segovia wrote.

While the wax figure of Dany is not being met with the best reviews, fans are looking forward to seeing the real Dany in tomorrow's new episode. She finally found out the truth about Jon Snow's parentage, but before she had time to process the news, the episode ended with the ringing of the war bells. That means the long-awaited Battle of Winterfell is upon us. Dany and Jon will have to put their differences aside and deal with the bigger problem at hand: the Night King and his army of the dead.

What do you think of the Daenerys wax figure? Tell us in the comments!

Game of Thrones airs Sunday nights on HBO TV at 9pm EST.


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