The second season of Krypton, the short-lived but much-loved Syfy series that centered on Superman’s grandfather Seg-El and his friends’ attempts to stop Brainiac from bottling the city of Kandor, is coming to DC Universe on August 11. The series debuted its first season on DC Universe before season two debuted on Syfy. The show was expensive, but drew fairly good ratings for Syfy, and there was a lot of enthusiasm. The network even went so far as to order a pilot script based on Lobo, the intergalactic bounty hunter played by Constantine and Guardians of the Galaxy actor Emmett Scanlan.
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Soon, though, both Krypton and Lobo were dead at Syfy. Attempts to revive one or both of them somewhere else seem to have gone nowhere, and Krypton aired what would become its season finale on August 14 of last year.
Around the same time Syfy dropped Krypton, it also canceled shows based on the Image Comics series Deadly Class and Happy!, leaving it with just Wynonna Earp and the event miniseries Vagrant Queen to fill out its comic book TV roster.
In Krypton, Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe) finds himself embroiled in political intrigue, pitted against an authoritarian cult acting as head of state. It’s against that backdrop that Adam Strange (Shaun Sipos), a superhero from Earth’s future, arrives to warn him that a great threat is coming: Brainiac, hoping to prevent the birth of Earth’s greatest hero, has targeted Krypton for destruction 200 years in the past.
The series ran for two seasons, during which time it introduced not just Lobo and Brainiac (Blake Ritson), but also General Dru-Zod (Colin Salmon, in one of the great supervillain performances ever put on screen) and a comics-accurate Doomsday.
The first season ended on a cliffhanger, with Zod triumphant, having changed the timeline. Krypton was never destroyed, but instead became a conquering power that traveled the universe erecting statues to Zod. Seg-El, in an attempt to stop Brainiac, ended up following the villain into the Phantom Zone, where they were trapped as all evidence of Superman’s birth was replaced by the sigil of the House of Zod.
The series also starred Georgina Campbell as Lyta Zod, Wallis Day as Nyssa Vex, Ann Ogbomo as Primus Jayna Zod, Aaron Pierre as Dev-Em and Rasmus Hardiker as Kem, who owned the bar where Seg-El and Adam Strange first met.
You can watch Krypton‘s first season on DC Universe. The second season will arrive on August 11.