Netflix is doubling down on its work with Jon Iver Helgaker and Jonas Torgersen, the creative minds behind the hit comedy series Norsemen. Following the recently released third installment of Norsemen, Netflix ordered to series another project from the duo, this time venturing into the world of animation. The new show is called Captain Fall, and it already has a 20-episode order to its name.
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This new series will follow the adventures of one Jonathan Fall, a well-meaning sea captain who discovers that he’s running a smuggling ship. According to Variety, Helgaker and Torgersen pitched the series as a live-action project, but Netflix suggested taking the animated route instead.
Not only does animation fit the story, but studios are looking to invest more in animated genres at a time when most live-action productions are halted due to the coronavirus pandemic. Information about animation style and casting have yet to be revealed.
Helgaker and Torgersen will serve as showrunners and creators for Captain Fall, while Netflix veteran Joel Trussell will executive produce. The first 20 episodes will be released into two separate parts, rather than individual seasons.
“Jon Iver and Jonas created a hilarious story in Norsemen that connected with audiences all around the world,” said Mike Moon, head of adult animation for Netflix. “We can’t wait for fans to see their absurd fantastical genius come to life in their first animated series.”
“We first pitched Captain Fall as a live action show, but Netflix saw the potential of it being animated,” Helgaker and Torgersen added. “Although a bit scary in the beginning, moving from live action to animation just feels amazingly limitless and creative on a whole new level. And luckily Netflix has surrounded us with a group of extremely talented people, so everything is set up for us not screwing this one up. But you never know.”
Norsemen is a comedy about Vikings that has been a huge success in Norway, watched by nearly 20% of the country’s population.