Reddit Releases Surprise Super Bowl Ad

These days most Super Bowl commercials appear online before the game even premieres (if you're [...]

These days most Super Bowl commercials appear online before the game even premieres (if you're looking to watch it though you can stream the game totally for free on CBS Sports). There are some exceptions to the rule, with high profile debuts like Marvel's The Falcon and the Winter Soldier staying a secret until they premiere on television and also apparently a five second ad from the popular website Reddit. It begins like a pretty stereotypical Super Bowl ad with some cars driving along a road, only to cut to a wall of text and then abruptly end. The text begins:

"Wow, this actually worked. If you're reading this, it means our bet paid off. Big game spots are expensive, so we couldn't buy a full one. But we were inspired and decided to spend our entire marketing budget on 5 seconds of airtime. One thing we learned from our communities last week is that underdogs can accomplish just about anything when they come together around a common idea."

They're of course referring to the ongoing saga of the GameStop Stock story, which began after intrepid users on the r/WallStreetBets subreddit noticed hedge funds were short selling the stock of the video game retailer and bought the shares to inflate the price. It's a lot to grapple and it's a story that's still unfolding.

The text in the ad continues: "Who knows, maybe you'll be the reason finance textbooks have to add a chapter on 'tendies.' Maybe you'll help r/SuperbOwl teach the world about the majesty of owls. Maybe you've even pause this 5-second ad. Powerful things happen when people rally around somethinh they really care about. And there's a place for that. It's called Reddit."

Reddit's ad has proven popular even though it was only a few seconds long and required fans watching at home to quickly find their remote and hit the pause button. One user wrote in response to the video: "Had to rewind it twice to read. I thought the aliens had taken over the" Another added: "This has been my favorite commercial so far!!"

Many of the replies to the ad on Twitter (which you can watch below) tied right back into the r/WallStreetBets and GameStop stock storyline, with many even shouting out DogeCoin as well.