The cast of the upcoming Disney+ series Ahsoka is a who’s who of Star Wars characters. But who’s who? Set within the timeline of The Mandalorian, the spin-off from Star Wars Rebels co-creatorDave Filoni features the live-action debuts of such fan-favoriteanimated characters as the Twi’lek pilot Hera Syndulla (Mary ElizabethWinstead), rebellious Mandalorian graffiti artist Sabine Wren (NatashaLiu Bordizzo), and the blue-skinned Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn (LarsMikkelsen). Ahsoka also marks the first live-action appearanceof the Jedi Ezra Bridger (Eman Esfandi), who disappeared years earlierinto the Unknown Regions of the galaxy in Rebels.
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To keep track of the new and returning characters in Ahsoka, Lucasfilm has revealed the official character descriptions. Along with the eponymous Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson), the former Jedi padawan of Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen), the series introduces new characters, including the Jedi defector Baylan Skoll (Ray Stevenson) and his lightsaber-wielding apprentice Shin Hati (Ivanna Sakhno).
Below, meet the characters of Star Wars: Ahsoka, scheduled to premiere August 23rd on Disney+.
Ahsoka Tano

Former Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tanoonce served as the Padawan learner to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker duringthe Clone Wars. A respected leader and warrior attuned to the light sideof the Force, Ahsoka grew into a formidable fighter before the Empire’sreign changed the course of galactic history. Although she walked awayfrom the Jedi Order, she continued to stand up for those fighting forpeace and justice in the galaxy long after the fall of the Republic.
Hera Syndulla

Once the heart of the Ghostcrew during the age of the Empire, Hera Syndulla continues to serve asthe captain of her ship while fighting for freedom from oppression as ageneral in the New Republic during an era of reconstruction. A giftedpilot with a knack for dogfighting with TIE fighters and a steadfastleader who was instrumental in leading the successful Lothal rebellion,Syndulla is now a mother, veteran, and general.
Sabine Wren

Sabine Wren is a Mandalorianwarrior and graffiti artist with a creative and rebellious spirit.Independent by nature, during the age of the Empire a young Sabinedefected from the Imperial Academy of Mandalore and joined a small rebelcell operating out of the Ghost and led by Hera Syndulla and the JediKnight Kanan Jarrus. With a gift for colorful explosives anduniquely-painted beskar, Sabine’s signature starbird — a mark she leftto sign her street art and other handiwork — inspired what would becomethe symbol for the Rebel Alliance.
Professor Huyang

An ancient droid, but stillquick of mind, Huyang oversaw the construction of lightsabers in theJedi Order for centuries. After the fall of the Republic and the Jedi,his databanks remain a repository of ancient Jedi lore, including anexacting record of every lightsaber constructed under his supervision. Astoried architect and professor, during the Clone Wars Huyang was basedout of the training vessel Crucible, where he guided younglings in theart of saber construction as part of their journey to become Padawans.He continues to be operational after the end of the Jedi Order,surviving through the rise and fall of the Empire, to see the dawn ofthe New Republic.
Baylan Skoll

Baylan Skoll islightsaber-wielding mercenary for hire overseeing his apprentice ShinHati. But make no mistake: although there was a time when Skoll knew theacclaimed Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Baylan is no Jedi. Now alliedto Morgan Elsbeth, the former Magistrate of Calodan, after the fall ofthe Jedi and the Empire, Skoll remains a shrewd fighter in search ofpower who believes that another war is inevitable.
Shin Hati

The eager apprentice of BaylanSkoll, Shin Hati is adept at lightsaber combat, a skill she uses intheir work as mercenaries allied to Morgan Elsbeth, the formerMagistrate of Calodan.
Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth

The cold-hearted formerMagistrate of Calodan, Morgan Elsbeth is an ally of Grand Admiral Thrawnand an enemy of the New Republic. A formidable fighter with amysterious past, Elsbeth once hunted Ahsoka Tano on the world of Corvusbefore she was bested in battle and arrested for acting as an Imperialsympathizer.
Grand Admiral Thrawn

When Governor Pryce of Lothalwanted a stronger commander to dismantle the rebellion, the Empireanswered with Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn was a male Chiss, withstriking blue skin, red eyes, and an angular face, known for hisbrilliant strategic mind and ruthlessness. He was determined to “pullthe rebels apart piece by piece.”
Marrok the Inquisitor

Once an Inquisitor huntingJedi for the Empire, the mysterious Marrok now works as a mercenaryhired by Morgan Elsbeth to carry out dark deeds. Fully encased inbattered battle armor, the warrior still carries a red double-bladedsaber with a circular hilt.
Mon Mothma

Working in secret as one ofthe founders of the Rebel Alliance, Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrilacarefully navigates the dangerous shadows of Coruscant politics in herefforts to build a viable rebellion. Once a leader of the GalacticSenate’s Loyalist faction, Mon Mothma opposed Supreme ChancellorPalpatine’s policies during the final days of the Republic. After therise of the Empire, Mothma continues to serve her constituents onCoruscant while working on her ultimate goal: the Alliance to Restorethe Republic.
Ezra Bridger

Growing up on his own duringthe age of the Empire, Ezra Bridger relied on his street smarts — andsubconscious Force abilities — to survive. He became a con artist andsmall-time thief, doing what he needed to get by on his home planetLothal. But this reality also hardened Ezra, who by the time he was 14years old, had little trust for anyone. That would change with hisintroduction to the Ghost crew, a small band of rebels fighting backagainst the Empire. Ezra came to believe in their cause, and saw that hecould help change the galaxy for the better. And with the help of KananJarrus, he began to learn the ways of the Jedi.