The Crown has been a Netflix hit for several years now, turning the real-life history of the British Royal Family into a generations-spanning soap opera. The show is currently in the middle of airing its sixth and final season, which catches up to the 2010s — but apparently, there’s still more that series creator Peter Morgan might want to explore. In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Morgan revealed that although he has no immediate plans for a prequel series to The Crown, he would not be opposed to dipping back into British history at a later point.
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“In the short term, I will not be writing anything set in a palace anywhere,” Morgan explained. “I expect to miss it. Maybe later on, at some point in my life, I’ll miss it enough, you know, to pick up the pen again. But really, at the moment, there’s no plan… You never rule anything out, but in the short term — absolutely not.”
What Would a The Crown Prequel Be About?
In an interview earlier this fall, Morgan did tease that he would want to continue the world of The Crown in the form of a prequel — and that he does have an idea of what that could possibly entail.
“I do have an idea,” Morgan said. “But first, I need to do some other things. Second, it would need a unique set of circumstances to come together… If I were to go back into The Crown, it would definitely be to go back in time.”
What Is The Crown Season 6 About?
The sixth and final season of The Crown is split into two parts, with Part 1 debuting on November 16th while Part 2 will debut on December 14th. The first four episodes “depict a relationship blossoming between Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed before a fateful car journey has devastating consequences,” per the official description. The second part, which consists of six episodes sees Prince William tries to integrate back into life at Eton in the wake of his mother’s death as the monarchy has to ride the wave of public opinion. Plus, as she reaches her Golden Jubilee, the Queen reflects on the future of the monarchy with the marriage of Charles and Camilla and the beginnings of a new Royal fairy tale in William and Kate.
“I should be careful here too, but I don’t think they should carry on, actually,” Helena Bonham Carter, who portrayed Princess Margaret on the series, explained earlier this year. “I’m in it and I loved my episodes, but it’s very different now. When The Crown started it was a historic drama, and now it’s crashed into the present. But that’s up to them. I don’t really want to contribute to the whole thing. It’s complicated and it’ll get taken out of context. And I think it’s been given enough attention.”
Would you want to see a prequel series to The Crown? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!