Yellowstone Season 3 Episode 8 Recap With Spoilers "I Killed a Man Today"

Monica goes for vigilante justice in "I Killed a Man Today".

Last episode, Jamie found out that he's actually adopted and that his biological father murdered his mother and before that, a girl was found dead on the reservation, yet another woman who went missing and leads on who is responsible being few. In "I Killed a Man Today", Monica takes action while Market Equities plays even harder against the Duttons. Here's what happened in the episode.

Fair warning: Spoilers for Yellowstone beyond this point. Read only if you want to know.

What Happened in "I Killed a Man Today"?

After spending a bit of time together in the morning talking about whether John is actually retired or not, Kayce heads off to work and Monica heads off to do volunteer work. Rip and Jimmy are with John and Tate looking at horses as John is considering buying one. Kayce joins them and updates John on the investigation into the cattle thief and it turns out, Kayce hasn't told Monica about having to shoot and kill someone.

At the office, Beth continues her work against Market Equities, prompting Roarke to freak out and try a buyback by shareholders since they are being shorted. Willa decides to try Beth's tactic and has shares of Schwartz & Meyer bought up. At his office, Kayce is greeted by grateful ranchers and then Jamie. Jamie tells him about Market Equities' plans and explains that Montana does want the deal to go through. Jamie also says that if they don't accept the officer, there will be a legal battle over eminent domain and Jamie won't be involved — and Market Equities has a good shot at winning in court. Jamie thinks they should sell because the ranch won't be on solid financial ground for much longer. Jamie also said that Kayce has to be the one to talk to John about it — and Kayce wants the offer in writing first.

Elsewhere, Monica is driving and her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere with no cell service. A truck pulls up and she tells the driver she thinks it is the radiator. The driver offers her a ride to Billings and she accepts. At her office, Willa's efforts are impacting Schwartz & Meyer, but Beth tells her boss what to buy and keep buying. She also calls Angela and asks if she wants to make money, telling her to buy up stock because Market Equities is going on a run. The news announces that Market Equities is attempting a hostile takeover of Schwartz & Meyer. Jamie calls Willa and asks for a written offer and she says she'll have something sent over.

After just a short time in the truck, the driver pulls off the main road claiming there's a spot with cell service so Monica can call home. Monica tells the man to just get back on the road but he doesn't. He parks and he then tells her to walk a few feet away to get service, but she says no and will stay in the truck. He doesn't let that happen and opens the door and tries to get her out. She then makes a run for it with him chasing her, but he tackles her and pins her down. She fights him, but he takes her down again. However, before he can do anything else, he's shot in the head. In the distance, there's a man with a scope who verifies the target is down.

A blood-soaked Monica runs to the approaching police cars. The whole thing was a setup and Rainwater tells her that they have someone coming to check her out. It also turns out that there is at least one dead body out in the area where Monica was attacked and soon, more are found. Monica tells Rainwater that she didn't tell Kayce about this and Rainwater reveals that Kayce didn't tell her about the shoot-out.

Beth gets a call from Bob Schwartz's assistant setting up a meeting for the next day. Kayce shows up with the written offer. At the ranch, Colby and Teeter are fixing fences when Wade and his son show up and attack them. At home, Monica is in the shower when Kayce gets back and they end up telling each other about their secrets, with Kayce admitting that he doesn't want Monica to think he's a bad person.

Beth shows John the offer for the ranch and tells him all of the reasons why he should probably take the offer, but John says he's not selling. John says he made a promise and he'd rather lose the ranch than break that promise. Elsewhere, Lloyd and Rip stop at a bar to celebrate Rip's engagement and Walker is playing guitar. Lloyd is surprised as Walker is supposed to be dead. Rip says nothing.
