Wrestling Fans Are Still Raving About Cody Rhodes’ AEW Dynamite Promo

By now you’ve probably seen Cody Rhodes’ emotional promo from this week’s AEW Dynamite. But just […]

By now you’ve probably seen Cody Rhodes’ emotional promo from this week’s AEW Dynamite. But just in case you haven’t, here’s the quick rundown. Rhodes kicks things off by listing some great wrestlers from the past, including his own father Dusty Rhodes, who famously (or infamously, depending on who you ask) worked as both wrestlers and bookers during their time in the squared circle. Rhodes is in that same spot now as an executive vice president for AEW, so to address the critics he decided to add a special stipulation to his upcoming match with AEW World Champion Chris Jericho at Full Gear โ€” if he loses, he will never challenge for the title again.

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Rhodes then turned his attention to Jericho, flipping his comments about Rhodes being raised with “a silver spoon” in his mouth by pointing out how Chris is the son of famous NHL player Ted Irvine. He promised that he would win on Saturday night, and that he would do it not just for himself but for the fans and the entire Rhodes family.

Wrestling fans and fellow wrestlers were utterly floored by Rhodes’ promo, and by Thursday morning it was still receiving praise on social media


The Highest Praise

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Why? Here’s Why!

High Praise

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