AEW Dynamite: New TNT Champion Crowned on March 9 Main Event

AEW Dynamite closed out this week with a new TNT Champion being crowned as Scorpio Sky dethroned Sammy Guevara to win the gold for the first time. Guevara looked to be out of the match midway throgh when he attempted a 630 Splash while Sky was propped up on a table outside the ring. But Sky rolled away, causing Guevara to crash and damage his ribs. He eventually made his way back into the ring to continue the match but things broke down when Dan Lambert started distracting the refree. Tay Conti, Guevara's girlfriend, tried to stop Ethan Page from interfering, only for Paige VanZant to jump the guardrail and attack her. 

Guevara was distracted by that and walked right into an STO from Sky for the win. Sky now becomes the first man in AEW history to hold both the TNT and tag team championships at least once. 

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