After making a surprise appearance on Matt Hardy’s Free The Delete YouTube series last week, AEW’s Matt and Nick Jackson (The Young Bucks) once again played a pivotal role on this week’s episode. After arriving at the Hardy Compound, the pair were implored to hit Hardy with Superkicks until Zenith (the manifestation of his Broken persona, long story) and he were separated. The two then carried Hardy in a coffin and buried him in a grave built by Senor Benjamin. The episode, which dropped on Wednesday morning, ended with Hardy still buried underground.
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The final episode of the series, which will announce the next step of Hardy’s wrestling persona, will air next week.
Back on March 2 Hardy confirmed that his WWE contract had officially expired, and that he would be exploring free agency. Between The Bucks’ involvement in his YouTube series the numerous hints that he’s the Exalted One of the Dark Order, all signs point to Hardy joining All Elite Wrestling in the near future.
“As of this current time, I have decided to let my contract with WWE expire,” Hardy said in his explanation video. “I am going to become a free agent, and that’s not saying I’m not going to return to WWE, I did not want to leave WWE, I love WWE, WWE is my home. WWE has treated me great as an employee for the last three years, they’ve been great to me, they’ve been great to my family, they’ve been great to my kids โ I have nothing but great things to say about WWE and all the people who work there. And going back twenty-plus years ago, if it wasn’t for Vince McMahon I would not have been able to obtain the life, the quality of life I currently have. So I will always be grateful for that and I will always be appreciative of that.”
Since leaving WWE, Hardy has given a number of interviews where he explained why he left the company, and why his Broken/Woken persona floundered under Vince McMahon’s leadership.
“When it comes to Vince and the WWE in some feels, I’ve kind of aged out. And I think my brand of entertainment and the way I feel like I have to be utilized isn’t one of their priorities. And that’s fine and I get that. I understand that, and that’s no issue,” Hardy told Busted Open Radio.
“Nothing against them, it was just time for me to go somewhere else where I want to maximize and optimize my creativity,” he added.