WWE Rumor: Vince McMahon Considering Wild Card Candidate to Win 2019 Royal Rumble

Anyone familiar with the world of professional wrestling knows that perpetuating rumors is the [...]

Anyone familiar with the world of professional wrestling knows that perpetuating rumors is the favorite pastime of any WWE fan. While only a small percentage of those whispers actually prove to be true, it's still fun to pretend they might be.

And the newest rumor on the 2019 Royal Rumble is quite the whopper.

Barn Burner's Fired Up Podcast, a relatively new source in the wrestling community, is reporting that Vince McMahon is considering Andrade Almas as a contender to win next year's, Royal Rumble. The report indicates that McMahon is "in love" with Almas and Zelina Vega, a scoop that actually made headlines earlier this week.

So could this be true? Well, to state the obvious, it's a little too early to tell. Despite several reports of McMahon being impressed with Almas, pegging him as the 2019 Royal Rumble winner in September seems a little ambitious. Considering Almas wouldn't have even been on the main roster a year by January's Rumble, that means that McMahon would prefer him over a long menu of highly developed projects — Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Samoa Joe, to name a few.

However, Almas' talent and promising character are undeniable. And the added layer of the ever-dangerous Vega is yet another strong selling point. Not to mention, he has killer entrance music.

So could Vince McMahon see a little Eddie Guerrero in Almas? Is there a classic heel chemistry between Almas as Vega? Could Almas be the latest edition of an unsung NXT star becoming a main eventer? The answer to all of these is probably yes, but to declare Almas ready to win the Rumble just doesn't feel right.

Especially considering as of a few weeks ago, The Rock was the betting favorite to win the Rumble. Those odds manifested their own rumors as it began to be reported that The Rock would headline WrestleMania 35 against his cousin and Universal Champion, Roman Reigns. Considering how lucrative that would be for WWE, even that feels like a long shot.

Right now it's simply too early to do anything but get a little excited at the plethora of possibilities awaiting us in 2019.