Colt Cabana Suing CM Punk for Over $1 Million in Damages

CM Punk and longtime friend Colt Cabana were recently successful in defending themselves from a [...]

CM Punk and longtime friend Colt Cabana were recently successful in defending themselves from a lawsuit by a WWE doctor, but a new lawsuit looks to be putting those good feelings on ice.

Cabana (real name Scott Colton) is now suing Punk over legal fees incurred during the trial, according to the Chicago Sun Times. It would appear the friendship between the two stars is all but over and the alleged situation paints Punk in a pretty negative light. Officially, Cabana is suing Punk for breach of contract and fraud.

According to the Sun Times report, Cabana alleges that Punk had previously agreed to pay his legal fees for their battle with WWE's Chris Amann. Cabana claims to have a text message from Punk where the former WWE champion tells him that his legal fees will be "100% covered." Punk apparently went back on that promise and Cabana now has an unpaid legal bill of $513,736. Punk allegedly told Cabana to pay half of the fees, saying "you are on your own."

In an email to Cabana, Punk allegedly wrote, "To date I have spent $513,736 dollars on this Amman lawsuit. My outstanding current bill is at least 300k. Half of all this is yours. Divide the 513,736 by 2 and that is what you owe me and what I expect you to pay me. Starting now I will no longer be paying your bills. You are on your own. Whatever my bill is currently, will be cut in half, and half will be yours. If you choose to make this all ugly, that's fine too. I hope you won't, but I gave up on you doing what is right a long time ago."

In the lawsuit against Punk, Cabana is asking for $200,000 in general damages, plus $1 million in punitive and exemplary damages. He alleges that Punk "acted with fraud, malice and oppression toward Colton, with the deliberate intention of causing Colton harm."

Punk and Cabana have been friends for years, going back to their days on the independent wrestling circuit together. During Punk's lauded "pipe bomb" promo on RAW in 2011, he even gave a shout-out to Cabana.

However, that friendship seems to have grown apart in recent years, and this lawsuit seems to be the final straw.

Punk and Cabana emerged victorious in June from their lawsuit with Amann over comments that were made on an episode of Cabana's podcast, The Art of Wrestling, years ago. Though there had been reports that Cabana and Punk's friendship was on the outs, the two did appear cordial during the trial. That was obviously before all of the legal fees were totaled.