Kevin Owens Uses 'Stone Cold Stunner' on Raw, Steve Austin Reacts

Perhaps the holiest move in all of professional wrestling is the Stone Cold Stunner. For the most [...]

Perhaps the holiest move in all of professional wrestling is the Stone Cold Stunner. For the most part, Steve Austin's iconic finisher is off limits for other WWE Superstars. But every now and then, Kevin Owens can't help himself from trying.

In his Intercontinental Championship with Seth Rollins, KO popped the entire wrestling world by landing a Stunner mid-match. The 3:16 callback got a narrow two count, but was not enough to put down Rollins.

Anytime someone uses a Stunner, the Texas Rattlesnake senses. So it took no time for the WWE icon to comment on Owens' use of the hallowed maneuver.

KO last used a stunner during a 2017 Royal Rumble match with Reigns. However Stone Cold wasn't too pleased with Owens' failed attempt (Reigns kicked out).

In an attempt to school Owens, Austin invited the former Universal Champion onto the Steve Austin Show and broke down the intricacies of the Stunner.

"When you kick the guy right in the gut, right in the diaphragm, boom. You sap his lungs full out of all the oxygen," Austin said. "You suck the oxygen right out of his lungs. All of a sudden, his brain's like [choking noise]. 'I need to breathe. I'm 'bout halfway blown up.' This is deep in the match. 'I need oxygen.'"

"So that kick isn't just about bending him over a little so that you have easier access to the head," Owens gathered.

"Now, let's take double body weight: 500 pounds, give or take, hittin' you with an uppercut," Austin continued. "That's both men's weight coming down on that shoulder. You hit your ass on the mat, the mat springs you back up. The vertebrae in your back give that energy a direct path through the shoulder to his damn jawbone. Wham. Lights out. That's how scientific it is, Kevin," said Austin.

It's hard to tell how Austin feels about Owens' latest deployment of the Stunner, but it's no secret that Austin has a soft spot for KO. After Owens was destroyed by Braun Strowman at SummerSlam, Austin took the stands for KO, hoping that better days are ahead.

"I hope Kevin Owens can claw his way back to where he was," he said. "I'm a big fan of both guys. I'm friends with both guys, but, man, with Braun, Braun is a big guy. And Kevin has been in the picture for a lot of titles, held a lot of titles, and I just thought, 'man, he didn't get s—t in, so, eh, I just wasn't a fan," he said.

Austin didn't understand why WWE chose to make Owens look so weak.

"I just didn't think Kevin Owens needed to get steamrolled because he's a top guy. And, obviously, Braun Strowman is still green, but he's a top guy. They're grooming him for bigger and better things, but KO didn't need to get squashed in the process," he said.